Reporting live from 3GSM in Barcelona – amazing scale – 50000 delegates

5 Companies presented in first session of mobile innovation forum. 3 in mobile video, 1 in OTA updates, 1 in voicemail-to-sms.

Liked Mobitv – all the video guys seem to be lacking technology differentiator, and these guys seem to have made up by having a large network of TV content providers.

SpinVox does translation of voice mail to sms message which gets delivered to mobile phone – simple, but compelling – 12 month old company – 65000 users pay 8 pounds a month! – they use some nifty location based speech recognition

Another 10 companies in the forum – few on UMA looking at providing mobile-wifi convergence.

Liked ITIS Holding – they are based on israeli technology and basically take the handover data from mobile companies and derive traffic congestion basis that. Handover data signals traffic flow information.

Ntera seems to have some cool display technology – clearer and less power hungry. Uses external light rather than fighting it (they are developing products for dark situations). Possible commercial deployment 18-24 months down.