Professor Mehta a member of the Knowledge Commission resigned in protest on quotas/reservations in educational institutions. His open letter to the Prime Minister is circulating on email and I read it on a Yahoo Group for my batch from IIM Ahmedabad. My response to that mail is quoted below as some of you may find it interesting as it shows the opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship while addressing national priorities.
“I guess it is one of the amazing contradictions in India that it continues to back artificial shortages and a paternalistic form of government even though the benefits of removing shortages is clear in areas like telecom.
With distance education technology the opportunity for quality education could be made available to the masses. IIM – Ahmedabad course content could be available for a small fee to a person in Monghyr and an IIM – FPM guy could run an open classroom that used this content for a lot more students than can be physically present at IIM- A. Shortage of education is artificial and there is no need for quotas. I hope the media/ agitators take this up and demand innovation to remove artificial shortages. ”
- Community Platform For Ward 103 - November 22, 2012
- Municipal Elections New Delhi-16 days for rolls to close - October 15, 2011
- The next Facebook ? - September 17, 2011
I think the potential of distance education has never been fully explored in India. IGNOU the oldest and largest DE institution has only over 1 million cummulative students since inception in early 1980s (MHRD data, published in annual report; dont have the year available), and the reasons for this are not far from sight – poor quality instructors, low tech usage, outdated (irrlevant??) course materials etc..
I agree that reservations are required, but not the way they exist right now. We need to handle the primary education system first. With the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (education for all) initiative of the current PM, it would be better for him to focus on primary education and leave higher education alone. A classic example is the US, the US today has more world class higher education institutions than any other country in the world – the reason the government left them alone! These shortages and thus reservations will remain as long as regulatory issues hinder participation of free willed enterprise in education – even DE is a regulated area today. …. like the Supreme court of India has rulled “education may be for profit, but not profiteering” and those who impacted may distinguish between profit making and profiteering themselves!
I still think they will want quotas for the classroom! While quotas should exist, the creamy layer problem should be solved. With respect to the innovation, still working towards it. Will have a demo soon hopefully.
Lots of newsprint, bits and bytes have been spent/wasted on this issue. The problem is, all these discussions are a platform where each stakeholder wants to push his/her side of the story, rather than understanding the other side of the story.
On a conceptual level, given the diversity and disparity of this country, reservatoin is required. But, the devil lies in the details, and execution. Caste/religion based reservation is obviously a suicidal political gimmic.
A more realistic parameter, like income levels, will probably make more sense.
I doubt whether anyone has ever bothered to evaluate the benefit of quota on the real underprivileged. How many beneficiaries have been brought into the mainstream because of quotas ? Or has all those beneficiaries who have turned the corner did so because of quotas ? I haven’t got a clue.
The reason lies elsewhere. The beneficiaries of this whole issue could be none other than a motley bunch of politicians who are badly in need of a constituency. Look at the jerk who raised it now….Arjun Singh…when did we last hear about him on something relevant…?
My take on quota system goes like this…
You put a crappy foundation, build 100 storey building and then paint it well. Then assume that its the best thing ever built.
The govt doesnt do anything to put the quota guys on par with rest by providing quality primary education, but is interested in quick fix solution. But what sanjay pointed is a solution to get the quota system out and create quality to the mass.