Poker Online etc. have become big. Bridge is tough as if money is involved cheating is a hard nut to crack. I used to play on the MSN zone site but they had plans to close it so I moved onto BridgeBase. This is an interesting site where the money games are with 2 humans and 2 robots. I have not tried them because my bridge is rusty. Cheating is not possible. Aside from money games there is lots of free stuff which I use.
There is an online bridge club which is featured on the Pan IIT website. They are looking for IIT alums to join. Currently they run one tournament a week but as membership increases they plan to run more.
On another note it seems IIT admin is not all that keen that current IIT students join as playing “taash” is evil and IIT bandwidth should be devoted to nobler pursuits ( whatever that is). I can understand a clamp down for applications that are bandwidth hogs or illegal but this seems to be just plain heavy handed.
It gives current students the ability to get familiar with the online gaming space which could be big and the opportunity to network; all this while having fun so I for one hope a lot of current students who are interested in bridge do join.
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Thanks for helping host these tournaments. Your Olympic spirit is truly inspiring and you are right bridge is cereberal and not gambling though some player love to gamble in the hope that 3Nt will make when actually the bid should be 1nt. Fortunately it is not as cereberal as chess and one can play it as I do to relax and have fun.
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Dear Sunjay,
Bridge is a SPORT, a cerebral one, as chess.
No gambling is involved there! simply pure OIympic sports attitude.
Purnima Gupta’s fabulous idea of getting IITians together is simply wonderful!
I offered to help, direct and serve IITians tournaments simply because I have done the same for my country,GREECE.
I believe that young people have a lot to be offered by playing bridge. (I personally play since I was 9 years old)
Work on their minds, learn the true noble olympic spirit in athletic games, get together and share some fantastic moments!
Consequently, any students or even not-any-more-students are most welcomed to join BBO (which is a free internet bridge site anyway) are most welcome to join those tourneys, participate and enjoy the joy of bridge!
Bridge is not simply a “gaming zome”. No gambling is involved, no money is involved! Just pure and clear Olympic spirit!
Thanks for hosting this site and give us the opportunity to communicate with young people that want the “something more” in this world!
(a Greek, believing deeply in people’s friendship and peace)