How are startups hiring people in India? What matters – Education, Background, Aptitude…

Last few months at Vaatsalya, we have assessed ourselves on how well we have done on our people front. First off a few things about our business which will put this in context,
a. All our hospitals are in non-metro areas (semi-urban and rural), so there you have it, a tough situation to hire people to begin with
b. Most of the employees are medical professionals or people from allied fields, nurses, technicians etc
c. We are fiercly non-hierarchical in structure, no one has titles, offices and such. And we want to keep it that way. E.g The weekly meetings in the hospitals are routinely conducted by office boys, and attended by doctors, nurses and founders.

From my experience, I have found that the “drive” or the “entrepreneurial spirit” is what seperates the gems. We have a young guy working in our karwar hospital (completed 11th std), who is handling everything at the Unit, including scheduling doctor visits, hiring people. No one told him, he just went ahead and did it. He started off as an office boy in Hubli, with the first job of cleaning the place. No fancy MBA, experience, background, nothing. Just the drive to get things done! Even the paediatrician at the hospital introduces him to every one as “the boss”. Just talking to him makes my day.

And we routinely get resumes from people with Masters in Hospital Administration, MBAs, Hospital Administrators with 5+ years experience, and all we get from them is, “what will be my role?” and “What is the package you are offering?”.

Would like to hear from others what has been your experience. Is anyone doing anything outside of metros? Would like to exchange notes.

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