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Make India – Social Entrepreneurship
Here is the text of a mail I sent to some people to give the gist ….
You may find interesting… It not very long … and it suggests that a $300MM + revenue company could be built… and more importantly it could bring about a quiet revolution that would “Make India”.
I am not sure at all that the straw man presented here is the right one but the punch line is the last one.
If a billion minds think “Make India” will happen.
Comments welcome but more importantly we need the “social entrepreneur” or multiple “social entrepreneurs” who try to make the magic happen.
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As time passes, we see many ‘Make India’ initiatives. Inspired by many others I have been thinking of one myself … if anyone is interested here’s something to think … “10 reasons Rural BPO will take India by storm”
it makes sense to project the Make India rather than Image india concept. Image india almost sounds like a defense whilst Make India is almost a decleration.
Rajivs questions are pertinent. We need to allow more failures rather than just branding them into silos. Inorder to build the next youtube or google.com from india, tons of money and patience is required. our “funders” are looking for the golden hen-rather the hen that lays the egg from day one. they want this without hatching the original eggs. first let’s build the online community. or the offline mix. as rajiv said, mouthshut.com is the closest resemblance to building a truly global indian community with a pan india emphasis. ofcourse many more are required but we have to look beyond the shaadi and dating scene and truly build communities driving models.