Fair bit of interest developing around local language content on the internet. Have been wondering what opportunities will present themselves over next few years as the opportunity unfolds. Some pieces of the puzzle:
1. Authoring tools
2. Standard rendering technology (still see too many floating around)
3. Content creation – Since english remains the main business language, who will create content and what kinds of content will be available in local language
4. The same question as in 3, but applied to applications
5. Tools to do 3,4 easily and without duplicating 100% effort
6. Search
7. Role of user generated content for local language ecosystem (relates to the question of who is going to create content)
Would love to hear back on what you think are the near term opportunities (3-5 years)
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Hi Krish
Thanks for the enlightenment. 10 seconds flat? Only Krrish could do that. I’ll bide my time.
Never get tired of pitching….Instead, try serving a different `flavour’ if not a different `plate’ to the customer according to his choice.
Metaphors aside. It’s not easy being a VC. He has to consistently outperform other VCs else the the investors in his fund simply shift their moneybags to the best performer. Moreover, this is a business in which – however shrewd the VC may be- there is a high probability for 1/3rd each of their supported ventures to go “Up, Sideways or Down”. So it’s for the explosive gains from the “1/3rd Up” to cover the loss of shirt they face from that which went “Down” or the excruciatingly painful wait they have to endure on that which is moving “Sideways” seemingly eternally.
And that answers why 999 out of 1000 plans which cross a VC desk gets a “ding”. They have a very shot attention span for each biz plan. Want a unit in time ? 10 seconds per plan. There you have it….!
This ceaseless flow of Biz Plans coupled with shrinking attention spans have made VCs masters at the art of what is called in the industry as “whack-a-mole”. Find a flaw…? ding. Longer payback period…? ding. Too long code…? ding. Not aligned with flavor of the month…? ding. Entrepreneur wore a bad tie…? ding… etc.
So it’s for the entrepreneur to get smart and present something which sweeps the VC off his feet in 10 seconds flat. And do reckon the phase of the moon on the day of your scheduled meeting with your VC…That should matter too !!!
Good Luck.
Hi Alok
Sometimes the salesman gets tired of pitching:-)))
Seriously, I agree that the onus is on the salesman. After all customer is king. But in some cases the onus is on the customer to see the value; the proposition may not pay off immediately or it may involve travelling in new terrain.
I only hope VCs get bolder and get ready to incubate ideas suited for India. And any Web-based business better have the mobile opportunity factored in.
Ramesh, surely — if VCs see significant potential in a 5 year timeframe, they would be interested.
Incidently, VCs are seeing beyond matrimonials and travel on the internet — you might have seen that a couple of DVD rental companies have got funded recently. Of course, this means that they still have to see beyond matrimonials and travel AND dvd rentals, but I am sure that problem will get solved in 3 months, and then we will have the next one!
Its an interesting perspective — when a salesman cant make a sale, one could argue that the customer didnt see the value… I believe the onus is on the salesperson.
Hi Alok
Very pertinent post. As someone in the VC business, would you be willing to back any such venture? I’d like to know. As far as Web companies are concerned, VCs in India seem incapable of seeing beyond matrimonials and travel, or investing in companies already rolling in money. I think entrepreneurs will come forward to develop this space only if VCs show interest.