Gigaom has recently written about some of the ongoing efforts at Band of Angels, India. Most of the regular stuff regarding our desire and passion to create large businesses out of India, the progress so far, and whats in the pipeline.

We have also been getting regular feedback from the entrepreneurial community, including some pretty harsh anonymous stuff. We are listening. Recently, some of us met to discuss how we can improve our interface with the entrepreneurs and meet their expectation of getting direct facetime and sensitivity from the investors themselves. I am pleased to say that we are going to experiment with a format where every plan with the requisite minimum information will get that chance, rather than undergoing a prescreening process. Our belief is that this should help us identify opportunities better, and at the same time, help entrepreneurs find sponsors, which is central to how BoA works. I am not sure on whether this experiment will be successful, and how it will evolve. I only want to let you know that we are as passionate about entrepreneurships as entrepreneurs themselves, and we are keen to evolve a model that brings the best out of us and you.