A new and interesting twist which could possibly work in India as well. Read this. Do you think Cha Cha has a chance against Google.
Would the Cha Cha model work in India ? Big Opportunity ?
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I think what will work is something like Cha Cha integrated with a phone. I call up and search for something and someone tells me what the site has and if its very useful, i go ahead and ask them to email me if need be the website. this is some kinda of BPO/KPO call it Search Process outsourcing.
chacha is paternal uncle in India 🙂
Yahoo answers is already out there in india. They have no revenue sharing with answer providers as of now but i guess that would follow. However, you wont get expert answers here, just from commoners.
Google has a smiliar service though they have restricted the number of provideres to only 500 experts, who they say have been selected after a tough shortlisting process. The charges there are however very high ($5-$100). This is more like elancer, just that the project here is answering questions. http://answers.google.com
Amazon has the mech turks though that is mostly more of a low end BPO kinda stuff and not much of Q&A.
Tere is indeed a great potential here.
For world market, Indians can definitely answer questions for 10% of what a google search expert does. In Domestic, this can be easily extended to queries over mobile where regular search is very difficult. In particular, for live information search such as finding whether a train is on time, availabilty of tickes to a movie, currnet price of gold/stock, directions/map, best deal in town on a TV Set etc. You need to call just one number for all your Qs. Revenue can be thru subsciption, per question or targeted advertising.