India Today has a cover story on Wired Generation – dont know whether its humor or satire of India’s most respect editorial team to have claimed “most of India’s 200 million middle class homes now have computers”! And this is a managing editor… not once but twice in the same article!
Now just wait and watch entrepreneurs use this “fact” in their pitches 🙂
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On the other hand entrepreneurs cannot use the fact that room for growth is only upwards 🙂
Now just wait and watch entrepreneurs use this “fact” in their pitche
There is definitely a lot of hype around computers/internet in india. computer/Internet may not as much traction as mobile phones. Internet in india can potentially lag, by a long margin.
Well let me see if i can justify it with smart ass(envied by every one) wit.
Computer = devices with micro processors
Therefore the statement is true.
Ah, but my pitch talks about how a large number of Indian middle class homes have telephone but still don’t have access to computers. 😉