I attended proto.in at Chennai.
Here is my pick of Startups to watch in terms of their ‘Inspiration Value’: Their evolution and success will shape up the startup culture( in my opinion, of course!)
DesiCrew( Taking technology mediated work to rural areas )
Spinaxys( Mpathy: User profiling based ‘Relevant’ SMS ads; Quickly build the user base, please; Only way to survive)
Novatium( Home computing delivered through TV/Cable. This as a software platform will be amazing:A Wintel like market domination is possible!)
Sloka( Low power, small form factor WiMax devices; Hmmm… Hardware innovation in India?…)
Taazza ( Shifting the focus from Content to Context automagically(algo based ); Money making is equally fun: focus on it! )
All these startups are stacked up against heavy odds. Way they evolve, way they succeed, and way they ensure the longivity of their name is worth watching, learning and be inspired.
Bonus Links:
Proto coverage at Webyantra.
Insightful comment by Jothirmayee
Constructive criticism on proto organization etc.

I am a social entrepreneur, wannabe.
My passion is in combining craft with technology to create products of high utility and aesthetic appeal. I am currently working on a physical(paper) file tracking system that uses high tech electronics, fabric, Zari( the shiny metallic thing in sarees) 🙂 and good old database programming etc. I plan to 'open source' the know how of making these file tags and actively transfer this know how to willing artisans and craft enterprises.
The rationale is that in India there are a lot of processes that are paper file based. And it is going to be so for a few more years. The files have a tendancy to get lost due to intendented and unintented human factors. And there are a lot of artisans and craftsmen who are nifty with their hands. If I am able to solve the pain point of file tracking problem- with the artisans/craftsmen it will create productivity at the demand side and prosperity at the supply( craftsmen) side. In the process it will infuse technology into livelihoods of craftsmen and artisans.
This will be interesting to technology innovators in general as the 2-way conversation between technologists and craftsmen can create a good rapid prototyping infrastructure.
The prototype development of the file tracking system is funded by TIFAC - organization involved in Vision 2020. The project is nearing completion with a small proof of the concept implementation at a public sector unit.
I have done my Masters in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. I have worked for top consulting companies in India and abroad( Infosys, EDS, CTP).
I have interest in roller skating, yoga, spirituality, meditation, hiking and trekking. ( I have been on an adacious coast to coast drive from New York, NY to Anchorage Alaska on a Old Carolla with > 150,000miles on it with an Internetfriend/stranger 🙂 )
Latest posts by Balaji Sowmyanarayanan
(see all)
Two Indians, one in Singapore and the other in UK have embarked on a journey in Singapore. We just started a blog so others can both learn from our mistakes and HOPE offer advice if we are walking blind !! http://adroolingstory.blogspot.com/
HI Balaji, Pls contact beta@taazza.com for a beta id. We would love to hear your feedback.
I am not that sure about Sloka and Novatium, hardware innovation and startups is a slippery track in India. Novatium had a mature marketing strategy though.
Taaza is definitely not very hot if you ask me, news aggregators are so passe!
Anon, i am pretty sure VCs are not going pick and choose at such events, if there is something that you would get it is word of mouth which might eventually land in a VC ear. Expecting to land a VC deal or even a contact at such events is very utopian
Here is my pick, no rationale just gut feel, so sue me! 😉 http://easternwinds.trianeda.com/?p=16
while it was good for people like u, there was almost no presence of VCs. only 3 indian and one mixed VC present. A lots of VCs are in next door Bangalore
one reason may be VCs did not know what to get in the event and other, the work-in-progress proto.in website that continued up to the end.