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Mohanchoti is primarily is an effort to remove hiring mistakes by giving an insiders preview of a candidate to prospective employers. and hence remove bad hirings. In the process it is adding value to everyone involved in the process Employee, Employer and Referrer..
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Amit Raj
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- Let’s face it, fake CVs are ruining IT !!! - February 19, 2007
I will tell you my story.
I completed Computer engineering in 2003.my percentage was 60%.I tried one year to apply as a fresher.Belive me i did not got even a single interview. During this one year i have seen many idiots from mech, textile, electricals who got job before me. May be they deserve it so do I.
then i faked my CV with respect to experience. I joined company as software engineer. with in next 6 month I received high performance employee award and couple of appreciation mail from clients. Today I am handling team of 15people where none of them are real experience(all are fake).Just now my team received best team among organization with around 105 teams. I served company with faith and hard work.
Now tell me is there anything wrong in this???
This dam IBM,Accenture, wipro,satyam and infy ,etc.. talk about fake exp only when they do not have ongoing project or when some dam HR has no work to do..I have seen how company fake to client about their profile and how they encourage people to talk lies to clients..
Fake Experience: You pass out of collage, look for a job. Cant get it because you 1. were too busy in collage on your own projects, or 2. You dont have enough marks in the exams, because of various reasons.
So you wait for one- two – three -four years, choose a technology, work like crazy on developing your skills while working in some low-paying soul-killing job somewhere, until you can scrape togather enough money to feel confident about letting go of your current job and take a huge risk. Some guys have to buy thier own computers and software to practice.
Then one day just before your money runs out and you are contemplating going back to your old non-it job, you suddenly get the job after clearing a formidable interview process which includes a technical as well as a hr round(s).
So the company that would’nt touch you with a barge pole earlier now is glad to hire you after assessing your technical skills.
So tell me where is the danger? where is the unfairness? Most of the “fakes” I know work long hours to ensure that they are not found out. In my experience “Fakes” work harder, because they come from nothing and have much more at stake then a regular guy.
A fake resume only levels the playing field a little, it puts your foot in the door, you still have to open the door.
hi everyone
everyhody id talking badly about fake experiece. but what will the candidates do if dont get job in the campus. and companies dont take non experienced cadidates.
How to Tackle the Ghost of Bad Hire
The ghost of bad hire is a ubiquitous in today’s industry. Most people don’t realize that the recruiting costs of bad hire are astronomical; they are also deeply hidden in the cost of variable productivity, lost business, lost time and opportunity. From the largest organization to the smallest, bad hiring practices tend to secretly cripple organizations and tend to hurt business.
The usual hiring practice – Place an ad, screen resumes, develop a short list, interview applicants, screen-out unqualified people, check references, make an offer to the survivor. Repeat.
These are bad hiring practices because candidate is a stranger in the whole process.
Bad, because any conscientious recruiter who follows up on placements would find that, despite all the efforts, about half of new hires turn out to be low performers. In fact, most studies show typical recruiting practices have about the same accuracy as flipping a coin. Anyone with doubts should take the time to follow up with a line manager. Ask if he or she sees performance differences among people picked from market versus picked through market. If the answer is “yes,” the recruiter needs to start thinking about why he or she did not see these differences before hiring.
Please do have a look at our bad hiring calculator to calculate the raw cost of bad hiring and off course it has not included opportunities you missed in terms of time, opportunity, and lost business.
What is at Stake Here?
According to Bliss & Associates Inc., a talent-management consulting firm in Butler, N.J., when a person making $50,000 leaves a company, it will cost a minimum of $75,000 to replace the person.
Adding to the cost are such things as lost productivity, the bureaucracy involved with an exiting employee and the work that must now be divvied up among remaining employees. Then there are the costs associated with advertising an opening and training a new hire.
This figure covers all departures. If the company is replacing a bad hire, however, the process can cost as much as five times that employee’s salary, according to a recent survey by Right Management, a Philadelphia-based career-consulting firm.
Getting to “Know” the Applicant
When you install hiring systems often “get to know the person” component is missing, even seasoned recruiters mistakenly believe that “getting to know” an applicant provides valid information about a person’s “hard” skills. Making quick assumptions based on personal impressions is a weakness of the human condition.
Psychologists call this weakness the “halo” effect. It occurs when a recruiter or hiring manager is so impressed by an applicant that he or she makes unfounded assumptions about other job skills. The answer lies in our new portal http://www.mohanchoti.com Third Generation Recruitment, where with industry participation we can build a repository of the candidates’ personal traits and know each candidate through his personal network and eventually make the right hiring decision. You are able to evaluate a candidate on the basis of reference written by his friend, colleague, boss, ex-colleague or an ex-employer.
Recruiters screen in and screen out employees. Stone-age hiring tools are like defective sieves primarily because of the scale of data are enormous as compared to past: they allow too many impurities to pass through unchecked. If you want your organization to run at peak performance levels, you need to scientifically examine your costs and continually improve your effectiveness using validated hiring tools that accurately predict performance. And for reaching that level, a Third Generation Recruitment Tool – Mohanchoti, is the demand of the market.
How to find out if a CV is fake or genuine?
Please assit in knowing the techniques.