It is 0200 here in Berlin now, so please forgive me for a ‘non VW’ post! I cannot but help wonder how much things have changed for our country over the last year. The story of emerging India is already dated. And so is the gloating over little successes and feel good arrival. Issues are complex, more real and complex than ever before, and Indians are going about them with this amazing quiet confidence. But are we communicating to the rest of the world well? Though things have moved on so much for all of us, we still depend on media which is either zoned on the snake charmer to Infosys story or even worse, on how India is different from China and catching up!

Give us a break. When I talk to my friends here in Europe, they do tell me about seeing smart ‘Incredible India’ banners on buses but they also tell me how little they really know about India in a real sense, deeper than the emerging and the rising et al.

The New Delhi Report at is a cutting edge commentary on Indian business and economy for an international audience. I have started this community blog (authors invited!) to attempt and sew together modern Indian viewpoints to communicate to an audience looking at India as more than just a destination. Let me invite you all to come and join me in this venture.

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