Well, the first tour was, um, interesting. Hadn’t really prepared an itenerary, so the people who came had to drift around aimlessly for a bit. My bad 🙂

This time around, there are a few interesting places we’ll be visiting, as well as a couple of necessary preliminaries.

We’ll begin with a (very) brief orientation session, where I will give basic tips on how to go about things. I found this necessary from previous experiences, since we will be needing to do some things as a group, and Sl is not very easy on neophytes. Once all of us get the hang of how to move around and interact with objects and media, we can begin exploring. Even so, since I don’t expect everyone to come in exactly on time, I will be putting all this info on a notecard for easy reference. We’ll do this at the VR1 office.

We start with the International Spaceflight Museum (one of my favourites) where there are life-size replicas of every space-going vehicle made by man so far. I think you’ll be interested in seeing where India stands here. I was! Also, this Museum has opened it’s second wing, called Spaceflight Bravo, which should hopefully have events on as well. Lots of things to explore here!

Next, we move to a somewhat more informal area, called the Freebie Warehouse, which has so much free stuff that I keep going back! There is just something to picking up free things, and I want to include this as a demonstration of just how many’freebies’ there are here! Believe me, you can spend days just trying out all the stuff available here, whether it’s clothes, animals, cars, houses,animations, gestures, poses, gizmos, scripts and what have you. We can then sit in the adjoining ‘sandbox’ which is an open area where I can show you how to unpack and try on all your goodies!

After that, come the IBM islands, (which may be deserted at the time we go) which I feel is a good example of a truly large-scale ‘corporate’ build. IBM have 24 islands in Second Life, where people have experimented with all sorts of things. Mainly, I just want to go there because it is an interesting example of how people can use 3D spaces interestingly.

Hmm…this may be enough for more than an hour’s exploring in itself! Next place to go to is the Alliance Second Life Library on info Island. They have a LOT of facts on Second Life, and it is possible to pick up interesting information there. Don’t think this will be a long visit, though they do have a number of very interesting experimental spaces there as well.

I think it should end with a party, and here’s where we have a huge choice of place to go. We could head to Anjuna beach, or the Bollywood club, or any one of a dozen places where parties and hangouts happen in SL all the time! If we want live music, we could go to Dublin or Amsterdam. Hmm…I think we should figure it out as we go along from there…by this time, anyone who’s still around would have picked up on the basics enough to do a little exploring on their own as well…

What to do is (assuming you have an SL account) to send me an IM asking me to teleport you to wherever we are, and we’ll take it from there! Or, just reply to this post if you have any doubts as to how to get on.

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