Motley fool did a write up on Rediff. The interesting items to me were

Users – 53.6 million Revenues: $30MM annually ARPU annual : 0.56 cents.

10 advertisers accounted for 55% of revenues. Maybe all revenues were not advertising related. If say Rediff has 10% ( wild guess) of all online ad media spend then total online ad media spend in India would be $250MM.

Does this look high or low and how does it compare to other countries.

These numbers seem to suggest that the market for ad backed plays in India is limited. Will these numbers grow exponentially. How much will total media spend in India be in 2012 and of that how much online.

Does anyone know of reasonably credible estimates.

Entrepreneurs who are trying to pitch ad backed critical mass plays will need to address what share of the media spend they hope to get and how will they get it.

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