The world is madly chasing the convergence dream. I believe however the future lies in breaking some of that convergence into basic products – tinker level. The market possibilities are endless in the emerging world. Think of a GPS device that just gives you location and not mp3 and other bells and whistles. Think of a Rs 400 mobile phone with only 2 buttons – receive a paging and send a SOS. The possibilities are endless.
Are any of you working on ideas like these, rather than Web 2.0 conveniences?
Latest posts by Sanjukt K. Saha (see all)
- Connecting a World Changer / George Page - February 17, 2012
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- IIT Kanpur Golden Jubilee Initiative: The Next50 Global Innovation Challenge - March 5, 2010
Thanks…I appreciate it. My intention was to highlight the fact that our startup entrepreneurs get a lot of boot from all over (including family sometimes) and they need every fig of straw that they can clutch on to survive. You are from the industry and your inputs (laced with a bit of compassion) could indeed be valuable for the founder to realize his dream.
Keep up the good work…
I get the point, but I am still involved with some of these companies, maybe got missed in the writing. 3 years ago was when I was a user as a supply chain manager at a large FMCG. If you notice, I have mentioned 5/6 companies which are trying to raise capital, this hopefully signals am still watching the segment.
I problems I have highlighted i belive are still current. If they are not, I would like to seriously get in touch with the company, a lot of my current clients can use it.
And yes, the objective of the interaction is to be positive, am sure I can have a detailed nuts and bolts conversation with vamsi, which is why I have offered to help.
But your feedback has been noted sir, will try to implement 🙂
Vamsi – will contact you by mail.
Hi Deepak,
I agree with your comments and those are the problems we are facing right now. Yes, I would like to talk to you – can you send me your email/phone number? You can reach me at
Hi Sanjukt,
I feel that I’ve leapfrogged Web 2.0 almost entirely, and jumped straight to Web 3.0 instead! I am promoting a shift to 3D immersive environments, (and if you’ve read any of mty earlier posts, you’d know I tend to get quite obsessive about it!)
And Vamsi, though I agree that Web 2.0 is the idea in focus and most likely to get funded, I also believe that a good enough concept in whatever field will get enough buyers and people willing to invest in it.
I just tried paraphrasing your comment to Vamsi –
Your comment on the idea that you are working on….helped me go back in time and refresh my own experience in the field. I hope you could use some of it.
Your own research might have revealed that a few companies have tried this model earlier. I’ve had the opportunity to evaluate the utility of this idea from the POV of a user and wondered this idea also had the following additional features for it to be useful a bit more….
But I’m afraid my views and observations are a bit dated – 3 years to be exact and that’s a long time in this world that’s changing by the hour. I’m sure many issues that I’d raised above could’ve been addressed by the industry / you already and just in case if you find my experience could be of use, please feel free to touch base with me…
If a few kind words can give it a positive twist, why not give it ?