This is an admin post, please feel free to ignore if you might not be interested.
We started venturewoods two years back, and largely on an organic basis, it has acquired traction in the community. There are a few thousand members who read venturewoods, few hundred who comment, and more than 50 who write on venturewoods. Personally, it has been a great platform for me to learn and share with the broader community, and maintain the mental connect that could have been lost so easily as I moved from an entrepreneurial role to a venture investor role.
Multiple people have spoken to me in the past to extend venturewoods beyond just blogs. Suggestions vary towards becoming an entrepreneur-network, to offline events, and so on. Some such suggestions had given rise to venturejobs and venturetalent sections, which I believe have enabled a few people to find each other. This is a call for action – I would like the following to help us take the next step, and am looking for volunteers to help us achieve this:
– Suggestions on what direction you would like venturewoods to take
– Specific site functionality that you would like to add or organize better
– Product+Project manager who can take ownership to get this done
– Technical folks who can help us implement this on a suitable content management system (dont worry, whatever we do, we will not make this a white elephant :))
I hope this thread generates as much participation as some of the previous ones have – it will shape what this service looks like a few months from now!
- Promoters or Entrepreneurs – A choice for Private Equity players - August 3, 2019
- Startup Marathon Mindset - March 25, 2019
- What’s your Customer Culture? - March 4, 2019
How about an IM chat window….?
1) Show the name of the poster in the post-page. It comes on the main page but on this page (where I’m entering the comment) it’s not there so I keep having to go back to the main page to see who wrote this article. And if you’re coming from a link, forget about it.
That should be such an easy item to tick off. 🙂
2) Resource Exchanges rarely work, in my opinion. Places like Ryze, LinkedIn etc.and even Orkut types are far more likely places for such exchanges; you’ll spend too much time and effort for too little. A simple forum implementation may be easier, and broad based enough to include most written contact-me type requests.
3) Allow user profiles more than the standard stuff that you can have right now – like a more detailed user entry, any interactivity like sending messages etc. would also be nice.
4) I think the site’s good enough as is, honestly, only one would like more specific posts on entrepreneurship in India, both tech sector and otherwise. I don’t think this should become a be-all and end-off of the startup world in India – for that you will need hajaar project managers and graphics designers and web programmers and ajaxification and all that stuff.
5) Give entrepreneurs here some ad-space 🙂
I will be hard pressed to take up an active role in the programming / management but I can write a long and frank beta test report of any new feature you might have. Armchair warrior, I know.
Hi Alok,
This facelift would be greatly welcome.
Being an entrepenuer who is in the process of starting up, I feel a pinching need for access to the network of relevant people who are willing to come together to transform an idea into success. I am sure a subsection for this in venturetalent will help.
More Importantly there should be a section that can showcase Startup ideas/concepts. People who are keen to work on that idea /concept can express their interest or discuss it in a thread. Not everyone would like to discuss his idea in an open forum but still there will be many takers and we will have some interesting outcomes.
All the best….
Lets have a Resources section where people can post resources avaiable for use by startups.
For eg, if i have an extra pc or some office space which i want to earn a bit from, i can give it on hire for cheap to a startup.
Startups really need these small small resources at one point or the other, and what better way than pooling in resources from other startups/entrepreneurs that spending a whole bunch of money buying new stuff !
What are your thoughts on this admin ?
Hey good post .
I had following thoughts/use-cases –
1. There is no easy way for people to simple ask questions apart from becoming members – may be time for
2. There is no easy way for a person to choose someone as mentor .. or someone to open up for mentorship …
3. I guess its also a time for a wikibook for – “Experience called Entrepreneurship” .. wherein wisdom of masses can contribute to a full experience of being an entrepreneur.
I can contribute technically, devoting some of my time …. if someone can pay for it .. all the better 😀
good luck …