(UPDATE: Sanjay Swamy has posted that they have fixed this problem)
This is first in series of posts where I will share some of my (unfortunately, mostly negative) experiences with brands, with a purpose to highlight my learnings in designing services and managing customer experience. Will welcome contributions and experiences from others as well.
This one has to do with Airtel and there newly launched slew of mobile payment services (yes, the nice tv campaigns) through mChek. One of the services they have is that a postpaid subscriber can topup another prepaid account using credit card through the cell phone. My mom still uses a prepaid account, and I decided this was a convenient way for me to top her account up – so I paid Rs 250 (the signup and payment process was a bit clunky, but this post is not about that), promptly got a receipt for Rs 250, and then on my mom’s cell, got a message that her account had been topped up for Rs 50! I thought the software had missed a leading “2” somewhere 🙂
I called Airtel customer service, and they promised to have a call back to me in 24 hours. I didnt get one for over 48 hours when I called them back. I was promised a call back in 1 hour, and again didnt hear back for over 2 hours. I called back – unfortunately, no one there seemed to have a clue what had happened. The supervisor suggested different options – I could wait for my credit card bill, and may be it was charged only Rs 50. Or perhaps call the prepaid customer service line (its a treasure hunt trying to find the operator option there). Or may be take my sms receipt for Rs 250 to an Airtel outlet and show it to them (with no idea of what they would do once they see it). Almost saying, “Just get the monkey off my back!”. He promised he will have his supervisor call back, and by now I knew what that meant.
So I figured I had to resort calling up friends in Airtel and mChek. What I heard back is this – for Rs 250 payment, the talktime is only Rs 50 – Airtel deducts Rs 195 (including tax) out of Rs 250 as service charge! 80% service charge and no mentioned of that on the web site!? Sanjay from mChek clarified that if I had recharged for Rs 100/255/300/500, there would have been no service charge – what was this? A game of roulette? And tomorrow, these zero service charge promotion price points may change with no intimation to customers. Will there be an invisible service charge tomorrow for other payment services – you’ll never know until you pay and figure it out!
Here are my learnings:
- Don’t rip customers off – it never pays.
- Establish trust – will I use this service again? or will I see every Airtel promotion and think of what the catch is? My friend at Airtel told me this is the same service charge that is applicable offline. But the point is – when I go to the retailer, I can have a conversation regarding this. Here, I can’t.
- Be transparent – why was there no intimation of service charge either on the website or during the transaction?
- Train customer service – these guys had no clue as to how to handle calls relating to mChek. The people who designed the service knew instantaneously. The fact that they never lived up to their call back commitments made things worse.
- Control damage – my friend at concerned organization asked me to hold off writing this post for a day. I did. No communication.
Actually, another learning – I landed up waiting for three days instead of one. It helped – instead of a vicious customer complaint, it helped me think of what I can learn from this experience, and the lessons certainly have been worth more than Rs 200! Feedback welcome.
- Promoters or Entrepreneurs – A choice for Private Equity players - August 3, 2019
- Startup Marathon Mindset - March 25, 2019
- What’s your Customer Culture? - March 4, 2019
Well, I am one of those who believe in using the credit facility as much as possible and paying on the last day but due to the pathetic services provided online by some of the vendors specifically Airtel, I land up paying late fees. Its my loss. I have a post paid Airtel mobile # and I get an SMS a day before the payment due date. I then use their online website to make the payment through their famous (rather infamous) mCheck facility. Since the last 3 months, the service does not respond when you need it the most and then they call up the next day to inform me that I have forgotten to make the payment. Hah! really? Get your online services working for a change and then blame the customer. Pathetic services! Pathetic customer support! Pathetic network (I have to keep my mobile in the balcony to get a signal strong enough for people to be able to call me).
Hi Rohit, we at http://www.mobikwik.com currently support denominations like 50,100,200,300,333,444,500,1000 for Airtel across any location in India. We also support host of additional features which make life of a prepaid user very convenient. Please do check us out at http://www.mobikwik.com .
Is there any way of online recharging airtel number by nay special amounts like Rs.333?
Quite contrary to popular blog opinion on this blog. I seem to have no hassles while recharging my Vodafone Account online using HDFC netbanking. Though, the Airtel recharging is a bit sketchy because the system hardly works ever. But I am a happy man, when it comes to recharging online at anytime of the day. Kudos to HDFC.
On the topic of Online Shopping, most of the websites i have shopped from, even the usual start up ones, which seem to have been designed in someone’s junkyard seem to work perfectly fine. I remember ordering an Avial CD and got in three days flat!
But, come to a more established one like in.com, whihc is actually owned by TV-18! I ordered a pendrive, measly amount as it was, it took three weeks for them to charge it to my credit card bill. About five days to even send a auto respond to my COMPLAINT. Well, I decided to complain again. I have not even got an auto-respond mail!!!! Though, I’m yet to receive my pen drive as also get a response to my mails. I realised one thing, like Google, these guys do not have a customer care mail id! Of course, thats Google and I survive on it. Anyways, being a lawyer, I thought why not just drag them to consumer court. But for the measly amount——- it pains me to waste my time…. sigh
Dear Alok & all fellow bloggers.
It has been a while since you posted this – and I decided against replying until we had a better solution to the issue you faced.
I’m pleased to finally say that we have a robust solution that will give you predictable talktimes everytime. We have also disabled other options so that you don’t run into the issue again. It has taken sometime enabling it across the country but the problem should never arise.
Valid talktimes on mChek are 50, 100, 200, 300, 500 & 1000 and you are assured of getting Talktime equal to [AMT – service tax – Rs. 2] (processing fee)].
Hope you will try the service again and use it regularly. If you have the mChek application, use the menus. If not sms PAY AIRTEL AMT MOBILE# to 543219.
Also do check out the mChek site for other services we now have live.
PS: Feel free to email me (sanjay@mchek.com) if you have any suggestions for improvement.