Given the mess that our political system is in, I wonder why professionals have not seriously looked at creating a political startup. Present service providers have been providing low quality services for decades in what really should be a buyers’ market given that we are a democratic country. People have been crying for a better deal but those who can make a difference seem to be indifferent.
The present political parties are beset with the following problems which in turn have resulted in a loss making entity called India.
1. Corruption at the highest levels of governement and the bureaucracy
2. Short sighted decisions based on electoral concerns
3. Putting self (i.e. power) before national interest
4. Nexus with criminals and businessmen
5. Low level of education
These are all surmountable if the political party consists of highly motivated professionals who run the show (and the country) like any well managed company which treats the shareholders (citizens in this case) with respect.
The founders will require a transformational mindset.
The opportunity is huge and so is the required investment. Are there any VCs/Angels willing to invest in a political party startup which will function like any professionally managed company and provide a clean and effective government?
I would love to be part of such a startup. We owe to ourselves if not to the country. If anyone in this community of entrepreneurs is interested do let me know.
- Why Not A Political Startup - December 3, 2008
- Is Manufacturing the future of Banking? - June 25, 2007
- eLearning for all - June 12, 2007
Just doesn’t seem to be possible in a country like India. We live in an illusion that the educated class can make a difference, whereas it is exactly the opposite, in the context of politics.
The educated class in India is still a minority as compared to the uneducated, and that is where we lose out in this battle of politics. Do u ever see a politician pitching to the rich and the educated for votes ? Nope. Precisely because they know you’re not the majority, and they gotta target the illiterate people by throwing rallies and giving out perks, bribing etc… So tell me how will a political startup actually pitch to these illiterate people who, in most cases, will be unwilling to listen to you unless you provide them something they need. They do not care about democracy or war. All they want is their own self satisfactions, and that there needs should be met, be it in 1 or 10 years. Thats what politicians exploit and that’s how it will remain unless the educated become the majority.
Folks, get real for a change…
Professionals in politics…? You must be kidding…You still haven’t a clue about their potential for precipitating crisis.
Try handing over politics to MBAs. The entire tax kitty will be appropriated between that bunch of mediocre morons by way of perks and allowances and the stakeholders (citizen) will be left with a bankrupt nation that still owes them a fortune by way of severance pay 🙂
Current dispensation may not be perfect. But they are far less harmful because they are at least paranoid. The other bunch is nuts.
During 2000-2004, Chandrababu Naidu , CM of AP, ruled AP like business entity. He automated whole procurement processes, file distrbution processes etc…and even featured in the TIME Asis magazine cover page.
he started eSeva , which is really great thing for people.
But in the end i.e 2004 he lost the election and now he is promising all free sops like normal politican.
So, Political Start up may not work, because the stack holders i.e, Citizens, Beaurecrats etc… are not in your control.
instead of political startup, if we start any portal related to some movement be it right/left/center, then we can influence decision making process. For example in US, ,which is associated with democratic party and single place for all liberal movements, will influence majority of the policy related matters in Democratic governments – white house/senate/house.
So it’s better to have separate movement start up for each and every ideology and associated with party.
This is great idea and thought. Count me in. I hope this is something that actually sees a light of day and doesnt just fizzle out as another good idea.
I have been in the US for last 7 years and just moved back to Pune to start-up myself. Seeing recent incidents, I was horrified. 2 thoughts occured to me – either I can go back and hide in the US or provide myself to betterment of the immediate society that I was born and brought up. I have chosen the later.
I completely share your thought – that probably if Political party is run like a proper corporation (defined accountabilities, responsibilities – customer (here citizens) are the king, etc) it will do really good.
I want to be part of it…
WOW! Great Thought. Given how politics is run in our country I am not sure if this is a workable idea. Businesses seek profits (Not meant in the literal term, at least investors do) and a country can be run only by making certain trade offs. In a country like ours with such diversities I think its hard to run it like a business and expect votes. A business needs focus and it just cant appease everyone. Businesses are target oriented and are focused towards a certain segment or segments in society.
Our democracy is far more complex and is a tried and tested method. So why experiment? Given that I still strongly believe that we would have been better off with a presidential system. At least we could have had an Obama rise up from among us. Which seems quite impossible given our parliamentary system. I am not claiming that Obama will deliver. But at least an Obama would have united us. Especially given the kind of polarization we are facing at this time as a country.
I have a more practical proposal. Something that is workable with support from VC’s / Angels and some support from the community. It aims at being the check and balance for politicians and our system on the whole. I have written about it a few days back. Take a look at it at