There is a lot of knowledge that resides among people, and not everybody is able to make it to real-life meets. In an increasingly connected world, it might make sense to make use of the technology that exists. There are also a lot of folks – aspiring entrepreneurs in tier II cities who do want to make it to the ranks, but do lack the know-how to move forward.

Here’s a means to solve that Problem., along with VentureWoods and a host of other partners have started this online chat initiative called The Startup Chat. It will be live every Saturday between 10am – 5pm (IST) and people can connect to the site, login, and interact with people to get support in whatever they might be looking for.

It would be great to have the support of this community – as there are lots of mature and experienced entrepreneurs here. Do login and help out. And it would be great to catch up with all of you in real time as well. Look forward to seeing you there.