Here is a link to a page which has links to the Dr.E. Sreedharan’s appeal in Hindi, Tamil & Malayalam. More languages are being worked on and will be added.
This FRNV page also has links to information to help citizens become informed voters.
You can print the PDF’s and distribute them offline as well.
Companies may want to provide copies to their distributors, suppliers etc.
If you stay in an apartment building or complex maybe the office in the building and security staff can distribute copies.
In my apartment complex, if people want copies of the appeal I have earmarked upto Rs 5000/= to provide them copies.
This is my little more than two cents towards this campaign
I am also going to request Eko the company I now mentor to consider asking their customer service points to distribute copies in Uttamnagar, West Delhi.
- Community Platform For Ward 103 - November 22, 2012
- Municipal Elections New Delhi-16 days for rolls to close - October 15, 2011
- The next Facebook ? - September 17, 2011
Thanks. This is an opportunity for all of us to do something concrete.
Great idea, Sanjay ! At Beverly Park II, the condominium where I live and where I am also a member of the Board of Managers (which is the RWA that runs the condominium), we will distribute the appeal in English to all residents and in Hindi to all office and domestic staff.