The contribution of the SME community to the Indian IT-BPO industry can never be overemphasized but most Emerging companies face a major challenge in getting their due recognition and at times even loose out to the larger players. Size definitely does matter, but should not be the only criteria for recognition. The Indian IT-BPO Industry is replete with examples of SMEs who are really doing some path breaking work, using cutting edge technology but not getting due visibility beyond their ecosystem. Similarly, there are others operating out of Tier 2 or Tier 3 cities employing differently abled people, and serving the nation in a big way. Their example too needs to be brought forth.

The NASSCOM EMERGE 50 is all about honouring the true spirit of SMEs. It is about recognizing the uniqueness that each company brings to the table and giving them the opportunity to showcase their achievements. To induce objectivity to the nomination process, some unique parameters have been drawn, so as to increase the ambit of selection and also bring in transparency to the entire process.

If you are an SME, with an annual turnover of less than 50 Crores and fall in any of the below mentioned categories, then please use this platform to send in your nomination to NASSCOM EMERGE 50. Here’s an opportunity to reach out to the larger community and showcase what you have been doing successfully over the years.

The top 50 companies, selected by the panel would then be nurtured, and mentored to take it to the next level of growth and productivity. In the years to come by, we too can proudly lay a claim to your success story.

The categories where companies can nominate their applications are:

EMERGE Growth – The rapid growth and success of companies in tough times is not a matter of chance! Challenging economic conditions not only test companies but should also motivate them to innovate and offer opportunities to reinvigorate themselves. NASSCOM invites companies which are growing faster compared to the existential markets and are all profitable. The criterion for selection would be based on the percentage revenue growth achieved in the last three years in any market(s).

EMERGE Markets (Non-Traditional/Domestic)

Non-traditional Markets– US and UK being the dominant markets for the Indian IT industry, and contributing to about 77 -78 % of the entire industry revenue are considered traditional markets. Other countries besides the big two are being considered as non- traditional ones. If your organisation has a successful business in any of the non-traditional markets you can nominate yourself for the category.

Domestic market – India in the last few years has grown substantially with adoption of IT products and services. Companies exploring avenues in the domestic market and creating high revenue earning possibilities may nominate themselves for the category.

EMERGE Products – Emerging Indian IT companies which own proprietary intellectual property or proprietary technology that contributes to a significant portion of the company’s operating revenues are invited to nominate their candidature for this category. The selection criterion would look at the online opportunity in the specific segments and the ability of the company to adapt to the market.

EMERGE Services – This category would look for companies having a strong domain focus specializing in a particular services business. This category would be vying for companies which have identified a niche for themselves with a strong foothold in the market w.r.t their services domain and have a unique differentiating factor from the competition.

EMERGE – Jury’s pick – Our eminent jury panel would be short listing 10 companies which would display a unique value proposition in their service/product offerings not getting covered in any of the categories mentioned above.

We are looking forward for your participation in this initiative specially focussed around the emerging companies. The last date for submitting your nominations is 15th June 2009. So, what are you waiting for, send in your nominations today!