Paul Jazefak has an interesting post on VC bashing. I was at the TiECon last week chairing a panel around fundraising, when the ultimate happened – a VC on the panel started bashing VCs! How much worse can it get 🙂

I think part of the issue here is a lack of understanding of the VC business – VCs are not angels (as much as angels arent – no pun!) They are in a business. However, in my view, there is a “value system” to each business and each individual. For VCs, my list would include integrity, empathy, access, humility, partnership and fairness. Not just because its good human nature to have these (which is true of many other things I didnt put up here, such as transparency,) but because these are values that IMHO help build a great VC business.

For folks out there who have pitched or tried to pitch to VCs, what have been the biggest frustrations and delights? For people who actually have VCs invested in their companies, what do you appreciate about them and what is it that you’d like them to change?

Update: Someone commented on this article on facebook, saying VCs suck because most of them have no operational experience. Does that really matter? Check out this analysis by pehub – doesnt seem to say so. But then, nice rebuttal here.