Ah well, before you ask me, why another startup event?, here is the core philosophy behind the event:
- Focus on Business – Over the last three years, we all have seen great products not going anywhere. Some of the companies who became the next hype, are now figuring out the survival route.
Ofcourse, that’s how startups evolve, but if one does not focuses on business (rather, dhandha), your kickass product will not go anywhere. And that’s easier said than done. It’s time we bring in these business/dhandha companies and have them share their experience/insights. - Serious entrepreneurs have stopped attending startup events in India. Serious entrepreneurs who care about their business are happily building their business and have stopped being part of the hype events.
At UnPluggd, we are bringing in startups who managed to build substantial business (they are not a startup anymore, but are small business) and have them share their insights/experience with the audience.
More details @ UnPluGGd website.
Date: March 6th, 2010 [9 AM – 6 PM]
Audience: Angels, VCs and Entrepreneurs.
Venue: Bangalore.
URL: http://unpluggd.org
For any info, please feel free to email me [ashish at pluggd.in],
We have limited seats available and if you are interested, please grab your ticket now.
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