Standard and Poor says America is getting POOR.

Economists ,capitalists,governments and people are discussing the fallout of such a situation.

But what does it mean for an entrepreneur.In case somebody has misssed recent article by Jug Suraiya in TOI ,here it is .Wherein the associate writer mentions that in this knowledge economy ,US started producing everying except goods and articles.And these goods and articles US started importing in majority from China.US is now majorly producing ideas.

Are we ready for Kindles and the like.

No , we don’t want Kindles as of now.As an entrepreneur there are hundreds of subjects one can pick and choose.But Indian entrpreneurs rotate their minds where the moolah is without thinking that this moolah(VC money) too can evaporate any time.

First things first.An entrepreneur needs to create Value first .Value for the common Indians .