SAP is organizing a Startup Focus Program, looking to partner with application product companies wherein SAP’s in-memory technology (HANA) can be utilized to create breakthrough performance advantage. They are looking to identify 15 companies in India, with whom SAP can collaboratively work to provide access to technology and expertise, and a potential chance to be exposed to 10,000+ SAP customers in Madrid in November this year.
The SAP Startup Focus program has three driving principles:
1. Make SAP HANA’s breakthrough capabilities easily available to the startup community for their development
2. Offer a simple, inexpensive and effective development accelerator to all eligible participants
3. Work as a one-stop advocacy group to help startups navigate SAP’s offerings
SAP is inviting startups to participate in the first ever SAP Startup Forum in Bangalore (invite–only event). To be part of the SAP Startup Focus Program, startups need to register online latest by July 20, 2012. The SAP Startup Forum team will evaluate the registered entries to determine the shortlisted companies for the event. Shortlisted companies will then receive an e-mail invitation to attend the SAP Startup Forum to be held in Bangalore in the month of August.
Benefits for Startups to engage with SAP’s Startup Forum:
- Gain competitive advantage with access to big data innovative technologies from SAP
- Enablement and access to technical resources
- Getting new leads/ visibility with SAP customers
- Co-Branding and Co-Marketing Activities
- Chance to attend and present at SAPPHIRE NOW EMEA, SAP’s largest in-house trade fair with 10,000+ SAP customers, partners and influencers (November 13-16, Madrid)
- Potential funding investment (via SAP Ventures)
- No cost required for startups to participate
Criteria for participation.
1. Revenue of the startup should be less than $40m
2. Have a finished product (viable)
3. Have at least one customer or in pipeline
4. Must have a Big Data use case
5. Must have registered online by July 20, 2012
Next Steps: The SAP Startup Forum team will get in touch with startups after receiving their initial response to have a detailed discussion and determine the shortlisted companies.
Any Questions/Clarifications: Please write to
More Info: Please go through the below to gain more information on the program:
- Promoters or Entrepreneurs – A choice for Private Equity players - August 3, 2019
- Startup Marathon Mindset - March 25, 2019
- What’s your Customer Culture? - March 4, 2019
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