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Venturewoods back online

Admin Post: There was a database corruption on venturewoods which did not allow any comments to be posted for past 24 hours. We have lost some comments due to that – if you find your comments disappeared, please feel free to post again. Post Authors: if you have notifications of comments on your email and […]

Venturewoods Ahead?

This is an admin post, please feel free to ignore if you might not be interested. We started venturewoods two years back, and largely on an organic basis, it has acquired traction in the community. There are a few thousand members who read venturewoods, few hundred who comment, and more than 50 who write on […]

Domestic Healthcare Market

Just saw this report on Indian healthcare market by 2015 – astonishing growth rates, and very high disease rates. Needless to say, it opens up opportunities for all kinds of businesses (manufacturing, services, products) in the domestic healthcare market.

Canaan invests $5.25m in Cellcast Asia

Happy to share our investment in Cellcast Asia Holdings – Cellcast is in the business of participation content. They create interactive shows that run across TV, internet, radio and other media, and allow consumers to participate through SMS and IVR. The users pay to participate. Quite of few mobile VAS investments have been in aggregation […]

Facebook app sells for $3m

It had to happen! We have talked about widget apps and the facebook platform on venturewoods before. A pure play facebook app “Where I’ve been” reportedly got acquired for $3m. It might seem like a small amount compared to the billions that make headlines these days, but IMHO its just the starting point — this […]

Idea Generator

An amusing take on generating new ideas — try your luck, this might work better than a slots machine. On a more serious note, there are several “structured innovation” techniques that actually work — the one that I had a chance to study sometime back is TRIZ. Check it out!

Canaan leads investment in Techtribe

Make money by doing good! Very happy to announce our investment in Techtribe. Techtribe pioneers a professional community website, and aims to monetize the same through a referral based recruiting model. Whats more, it has an incentive model, where referrers can make Rs 10,000 for each successful referral they make. Indian e-recruiting market has not […]

Open Facebook

Great article on the impact of the open facebook platform. The ability for developers to plugin features into facebook and service the 30 million community already using facebook marks the demise of “one up feature social networks”. What does this mean for Indian social networks? Facebook is already ranked 22 in India by Alexa, and […]

Indian ventures – losing out on Indian market?

As per alexa, China top 50 sites has only three global companies in there – Google, Yahoo, MSN/Live/MS – rest all seem to be Chinese companies. By contrast, India top 50 includes Google/Orkut, Yahoo, MSN/Live/MS as well as sites like youtube, blogger, rapidshare, wikipedia, tom(!), megaupload, monsterindia, xboard, facebook, screensavers, ebay, starware, digitalpoint, imdb, flickr, […]

Vertical social networks

Great post and comments on prospects of vertical social networks. These are social networks that revolve around a specific interest groups, such as bikers, running enthusiasts, etc. The article argues that this is the direction in which social networks will evolve, and naturally, users will be part of multiple social networks. This leads to a […]

Seedcamp – Europe

Interesting model on lines of YCombinator in Europe. The management resource base of the initiative is perhaps the single biggest success factor. Something to think about for people contemplating similar models in India.