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Momo Delhi – Panel Discussion

Momo Delhi had their first event yesterday. Great show, and I hope this become an ongoing activity. Personally, I would prefer a more discussion oriented format — 5-6 10 minute presentations on new ideas, and then one specific discussion, with participants who can rip apart that topic, and something thats actionable. I was part of […]

New Feature — Venture Jobs and Talent Exchange

Dear all, We are introducing a new feature on venturewoods — this is an experiment with a job and resume board for startup opportunities, especially finding the core team members who share the passion for creating something out of nothing. We have received a lot of feedback that such people are not easily accessible through […]

Bulletproof Startup

Madhu had posted this in a link. I think its a great piece, so am putting in a main post This is an interesting article on how to build a bulletproof start up on Business 2.0 – Link is here –

Postepay in Italy

A lot of people hold the view that India needs a cash oriented payment mechanism, and that is a very large opportunity. Businessweek has an article on a prepaid cash card — some of the consumer drivers mentioned have a lot of overlap with India. For example, the card gives consumers control over spends (unlike […]

Canaan’s focus in India

Contentsutra did an audio interview with me last week. It encapsulates how we are viewing the India market from a venture perspective. Sahad has summarized it here and there is a full audio file too (if someone can do background noise cancellation on this, it will be great! — if you are hearing this, try […]

Morgan Stanley report on Internet and Mobile (Caution: 7MB+ file) Good report on global state of internet and mobile, challenges and BIG opportunities. Couple of interesting items: 1. The centre of usage on mobile is shifted way far from US — can this be translated into a shift in value creation? 2. The premium mobile market is as big as internet […]

Naukri IPO filing

Naukri has filed for IPO with Sebi — here’s the filing. Big congratulations to the team for making it happen. Sanjeev has been a diehard believer in the internet and that is what has brought the company to this stage. What I also like is that wealth has been shared generously with the team — […]

Minglebox – Web 2.0 company in Bangalore

Minglebox Communications Private Ltd. is a start up in the internet and mobile space, founded by ex IIT/IIM alumni. The founders are marketing and technology professionals with varied experience in consumer goods, internet, telecom, financial services and IT industries across India and the US. The company aims to build internet and mobile consumer products for […]

Red Herring 100 Asia List — Deadline 16th June

Kalpana from Red Herring has invited applications for Red Herring 100 Asia awards: If you know of any privately held companies who need to be on the Red Herring 100 Asia list, please tell them to apply before June 16 for the awards. They can find the application form here: To my question of […]

Joining Canaan Partners

Wish to announce that Canaan Partners (pronounced K-nun) is opening their office in India, and I will be heading that up. Canaan is an early stage investment firm, and focusses on IT and Healthcare technologies. I am pretty encouraged that the Canaan Partnership is keen to share their learnings and experiences of over 19 years […]