The merits of value investing, especially in public markets, have been long espoused — thats the stuff legends are made of in that domain. Even late stage private equity follows largely the same route. Venture investing, on the other hand, is all about having the right momentum — how fast can you go from no […]
TieCon Silicon Valley – Videos
Silicon Valley had its TieCon couple of weeks back. Wahindia brings its coverage on the event. Would particularly recommend Shashi Thuroor’s one-on-one interview where he talks about the winds of globalization and its influence on cultures around the world.
Out of step entrepreneurs
Have been spending a lot of time here in bay area of late, and have been seeing a fair bit of startups here. One thing that strikes me is how naturally the “market knowledge” comes to the whole community, including the founders and investors. Some of the plans I see within India are out of […]
Meetup at TieCon (Bay area)
I am going to be at the TiEcon SV later this week — would love to catch up if any of the venturewoods subscribers are there,
The ecosystem imperative
There has been a lot of activity and news about global venture funds targeting the Indian market. However, commitment through direct presence has been elusive by some of the largest funds. The silicon valley venture ecosystem is very well developed, and over years there have been thousands of learnings that are engrained in minds of […]
Too big too soon?
Met a couple of people with very big ambitions, perhaps bigger than they can handle — makes me think that trying to build a billion dollar company from day one might not be such a good thing afterall. Wonder why huge companies “got built” when large markets and good solutions existed (rather than founders starting […]
Facebook for a billion dollars
Businessweek has reported a rumoured deal for Facebook for over a billion dollars! Now thats Web 2.0 rocking I guess we will see a few of those plans back in India pretty soon 🙂
Paypal Mobile
Paypal has launched a mobile payment facility — both p2p and a text to pay facility on qualifying merchants. Check it out.
VC 2.0
Dave has a great writeup on reforming the VC industry (at least in consumer internet segment). Looks pretty 2.0ish to me — but perhaps the first 2.0 idea that makes sense 🙂 – disintermediate the LPs and GPs (the overhead and loss of information here is not funny) – users who invest in this fund […]
ABC News on India
Very positive coverage – Video
I like this stuff — the concept seems very relevant, not much competition on city specific portals. The key is how local it can become — looks like largely a content driven play, but user participation is important.
Web 2.0 – Profitability?
I was going to discuss some thoughts on Web 2.0 profitability, and I think some readers on this blog will be familiar with my disdain for “get the eyeballs, revenues will come” mindset (have been hurt once on that!). Am beginning to hear more and more of that again… Some entrepreneurs point to Adsense as […]