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Is India ready for Online-only Banks?

WSJ has an interesting article on online banks. In India, there has been rightful emphasis on financial inclusion as a key direction for banking sector. However, there is a segment of current users who could enjoy the efficiency of an online-only bank. Are Indian banks ready to make that transition? Is the regulator ready to […]

Tech Startups: We are NOT on our own

As much as Vijay would like us to be left on our own, doesn’t look like we have that option 🙂 The budget seems to continue to impede the pace at which Indian entrepreneurship wants to grow. Some key elements below. The tax passthrough status to angel funds is welcome. It seems that this immediately […]

Tata Social Enterprise Challenge – Call for Nominations

Tata group and IIMC have launched the Tata Social Enterprise Challenge. Key highlights: • National level competition to find India’s most promising social enterprises • Identified social entrepreneurs to be offered mentorship support, funding opportunities and an opportunity to be incubated at IIM Calcutta’s Incubation Centre • Teams need to have an early stage venture […]

ReadWrite – Predictions for 2013

Interesting post around startup predictions for 2013 here. Somewhat US centric, and I thought I’d overlay my comments for India alongside. 1. Accelerators will slow down: India may see a lag in slowing down of accelerators, and this may not happen in 2013. We might in fact see more accelerators come up. However, I am […]

Mary Meeker update

An incremental update to Mary Meeker internet report. On the India front, internet continues to grow fast, mobile web surpasses desktop web, and smartphone penetration takes off with a lot of headroom to go, 2012 KPCB Internet Trends Year-End Update from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

Changing face of Mobile VAS

We have had several discussions on Mobile VAS on venturewoods earlier. Many of us have noticed the transition away from operator-led services – for reasons to do with operators (revenue shares, non payment of dues), service operators (excessive push, billing frauds), as well as regulators (ad-hoc regulations). Last friday, Canaan did an event around emerging […]