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Building Highways of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is widely accepted as a key engine of future growth of India. Over the next decade, it has the potential to create 2500 successful high growth ventures, with combined revenue of over Rs 10 lakh crore, and to generate 10 million direct & 20-30 million indirect jobs. This cycle has been set in motion […]

Planning Commission report on Entrepreneurship in India

Planning Commission has just released this report – Creating a Vibrant Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in India. I feel privileged to have contributed, and it was a great learning experience to work with participants from many different areas – entrepreneurs, bureaucrats, academia, investors, consultants, and more. Hopefully, the report is implemented well and sets the road map […]

SAP Startup Focus Program

SAP is organizing a Startup Focus Program, looking to partner with application product companies wherein SAP’s in-memory technology (HANA) can be utilized to create breakthrough performance advantage. They are looking to identify 15 companies in India, with whom SAP can collaboratively work to provide access to technology and expertise, and a potential chance to be […]

Mobile Payments – where is the use case?

Techcrunch has an interesting article questioning the value proposition of mobile payments, especifically NFC in this case. Read here… Even in the Indian context, there have been multiple companies trying to push mobile payments over time, and a clear use case has been missing. Cash or swipe cards function fairly well for physical merchants. Some […]

Real stories of Startup Failure

Readwriteweb has a review of The Founder’s Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup . Based on extensive research of 10,000 startup founders, this book draws upon the reasons of successes and failures. Top reasons for failure – people issues, equity issues, and investor relations. Seems like a promising read.

Indian Microfinance – Infographic from Legatum

Interesting infographic from Legatum on impact of AP ordinance on Indian microfinance industry. 20120313 infographic indian microfinance View more presentations from Alok Mittal. Apart from effective blacklisting of millions of poor women in AP from access to private credit, the ordinance has impacted availability of credit across the country. All in name of protecting the […]

Don’t let the ecommerce bust fool you

It seems that past 6-9 months have played out a full boom and bust cycle as far as ecommerce in India is concerned. Where as in july-august timeframe, 10 million dollar fundraises were being inflated to 40, and investors seemed to be willing to pay 5-8 times the gross merchandize value as premoney valuations, suddenly […]

Steve Jobs – Book Review

Just finished reading Steve Jobs’ Biography by Walter Isaacson — Great account of a genius. As someone whose only impressions of Steve Jobs are formed by this book, it is an amazing story of personal passion and entrepreneurial possibilities. At a more sublime level, its a story of a person who almost everyone would have […]

Delivering Happiness – Must Read

Just finished reading Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh of Zappos. Most amazing story of an entrepreneurs undying conviction, ability to think first principles, focus on customers and employees, just sound business, and great sense of humor. Grab a copy.