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Onion Rs65/kg, Petrol Rs65/litre, Beer Rs65!

Very interesting perspective from an analyst from IDFC. Thought to share – these are Mumbai (Maharashtra prices) “Onion Rs65/kg, Petrol Rs65/litre, Beer Rs65!” For the first time in history, basic needs, life style needs, luxury needs are at the same price, prompting us to explore why basic needs like onions are so expensive. The visit: […]

NEN Program for Women Entrepreneurs

Here is an announcement from National Entrepreneurship Network. Please feel free to write to the below mentioned email Are you a woman entrepreneur who dreams big or do you know of one? If so, this is for you! It is a known fact that most young companies die in the first 4-5 years of their […]

A Billion Dollar Indian Internet Company

I have always (after coming into the VC industry) heard the concept of $1 bn company while evaluating early stage businesses. “Can it become a $ 1 bn company?” has been a perpetual question. I always doubted on the concept of $ 1 bn market cap internet company out of India. However; last week our […]

B2B Internet Businesses

As we announced our investment in MotorExchange; I thought to bounce my views on broader B2B plays. In last couple of years, I have noticed two broad growth challenges in Indian internet start ups: 1.) Last mile penetration – This is function of internet penetration in the country and the growth is still incremental. We […]

TiE Con Delhi | Offer to Venturewoods Community

TiE Delhi has extended an offer to Venturewoods community for their annual flagship event – TiE Connect (18th & 19th Sep) 1. First two people will get a free invitation for the entire event 2. All will be able to avail TiE membership rates for the event (Rates offered to TiE members are subsidized as […]

NASSCOM EmergeOut Conclave 2008

NASSCOM has extended discounted entry fee for the VentureWoods community for its upcoming NASSCOM EmergeOut Conclave 2008 scheduled for 29th Sep 2008. Please find attached the registration form. Please email to for any clarifications.

TiE Canaan on CNBC

The play out time for The TiE- Canaan entrepreneur challenge are as follows: Saturday: 1.30pm Repeat on Sunday: 9.30am and 10.30pm This Saturday the 1st episode goes on air. There will be a total of 3 episodes at these times. -Mukul

TiE-Canaan Entrepreneurial Challenge – Final Results

TiE Canaan Entrepreneurial Challenge 2008 was concluded on Saturday, 5th July. The winners of the Challenge are: Equitas – A microfinance company, which started 6 months back with great management team. They have been able to innovate around processes to scale very fast in this business. Druvaa Systems – It’s a backup company focusing at […]