I read this interesting article recently- about how Delhi is the new hub for tech startups– in Wall Street journal. I am curious- what are the experiences/opinions of other members- who may have worked in multiple Indian metros on the subject. — Below article is a mirror of article in Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204485304576644220533569618.html Delhi […]
TiECon Delhi from Sept 18 to Sept 19
TiECon Delhi is about to happen at Taj Palace Hotel, SP Marg, Chanakyapuri, Delhi, Sept 18-19, sessions from 9:00am onwards and networking dinner/cocktails at 7:30 pm on 18th Sept, 2009 (Website: www.tienewdelhi.org ) . Dont Know what’s TiE ? Never heard of TiECon ? Then read right on…
Bill Gates in Delhi – Nov 6th, 2008- Opening wallets to Fund Research
I attended Mr.Bill Gates’ talk– heard some very interesting ideas from Mr.Gates about opening wallets for research on the world’s pressing problems. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is practically “giving away” US $100,000 grants to researchers based on 2-page summaries of innovative ideas. I didnt post the longer article/snaps in venturewoods- because I felt […]
TiE Retail Summit 2008, Aug 1st New Delhi
I had the opportunity to check out the TiE India Retail Summit 2008- not all of it—but a few hours towards the end and I’m using this platform to put down a brief account of the same—all comments, questions, suggestions and queries are welcome, either here or by mailing me on nsnsns(at)gmail(dot)com- also, incase you’d […]
Proto.in Delhi – 18-19 July 2008
Author’s Note: This post and accompanying photographs are copyrighted by the author; and any unauthorized replication, storage or publishing of this material without the author’s express written (and signed on paper) permission is prohibited. The author has been in the High Tech industry for over a decade; and can be reached on nsnsns(at)gmail(dot)com or mobile: […]
Part-II : Business is Local: Comparing NCR/Delhi vs Bangalore vs Chenn...
Ok folks… all who answered/commented and even those who didnt; I’ve added a final comment– that wraps my last post… feel free to check it out if you’re interested. To skeptics, who’d say “what difference does it make ?”; I’d say it makes a lot of difference:– – because if a individual who believes in […]
Business is Local: Comparing NCR/Delhi vs Bangalore vs Chennai vs Pune
Hi Folks… Having worked in Delhi and also in Bangalore; I’ve seen many differences between the work cultures in these two great metros; and each city/region has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. Am curious… and I seek comments… what’re the experiences that you (venture-woods audience) have had, working in different cities. Good, bad, ugly… feel […]
Happy 60 years of Independance – and welcome to 250 Square kilometre S
Some reflections on the importance of informal tech-ecosystems- and why when trying to regulate and control commercial activities it’s important to not throw away the baby with the bathwater.
A reflective post… with references to Turqoise Cottage Delhi… and Nisarga Gardens at Infantry road, Bangalore…
Mobile Monday Delhi May 26, 2007
Coverage, comments and rants about Mobile Monday Delhi, Saturday May 26, 2007.