Well not all, but some of it definitely is. To know why we say that, lets dig into why we CC people on emails in the first place: 1) The “You must know this CC” – There is nothing wrong with this one. Example: I direct a question to someone in the To list, and […]
Launching GrexIt – Your shared email memory
I have been working for the last couple of months building this tool: www.grexit.com. If you use Google Apps for your email, you’ll most likely find it useful. A small description of where we are trying to get at with GrexIt follows (It uses a browser plugin that we currently build only for FF 3.x): This is […]
Enterprise Collaboration tools: Adoption and Benefits?
There’s been a lot of noise about online collaboration tools / Enterprise 2.0 / Knowledge Management, and we have seen a lot of products in the space. There are players ranging from the traditional Enterprise tools vendors like IBM and Microsoft with all encompassing heavy products, to a bunch of start-ups with their wares trying […]
Judging a really early stage start-up
From REALLY early stage, I mean a bunch of guys 3 or 4 years out of college, having quit their highly paying techie jobs, wanting to build the next big thing and get rich soon. I can really relate to the picture, as an year back, I really did fit the description. You know these […]
The Consumer Internet Dilemma: Users or Customers
I’ll start with a broad, sweeping generalization about consumer internet: 1. The user never pays. I would consider it to be not only true to a very large majority of consumer internet ventures, but actually a defining characteristic of consumer internet. 2. Since the user doesn’t pay, and the business exists to make money, there […]
Banking on a Buyout: Is it really such a bad thing?
“Whats your Revenue Model?”. It sounds like such an informed question to ask an entrepreneur. I have been asked this question not only by the people who really matter, but even by people who are far from gathering even 5% of the courage required to start up. Its a glamorous question to ask, and its […]
Facebook: Really using the Social Graph
The number of Applications on Facebook has risen continuously since Facebook announced its Developer API in mid 2007. While there has been a slew of applications, it is very easy to see a clear trend. As much as 50% of the applications on Facebook are identity definition applications like Characteristics and Compare People, where people […]