Just to tell all those who are interested that I’ll be launching an exhibition of my analog and digital art in the virtual world of Second Life. The exhibition launches on 21 July, and goes on for a month. It is being hosted by the Second Life library on Info Island. All those who are […]
Next Second Life Tour 5 PM May 11
Well, the first tour was, um, interesting. Hadn’t really prepared an itenerary, so the people who came had to drift around aimlessly for a bit. My bad 🙂 This time around, there are a few interesting places we’ll be visiting, as well as a couple of necessary preliminaries. We’ll begin with a (very) brief orientation […]
Second Life tour
On Friday, 27 April 2007 5 PM, I will be conducting a small tour of interesting places to go and things to do in the virtual world of Second Life, for anyone who is interested. In case you are a member, please IM me and I’ll send you a TP link. To those who have […]
New life, anyone?
Hello. I’m brand new here. Just met Alok in Second Life, and we got to discussing the different ways people and businesses can interact there. Second Life, for the uninitiated, is a three-dimensional virtual world where users can fly, shop with virtual money, set up offices and educational institutions, and a whole lot more. It […]