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Urban Microfinance

I think it was Wayne Gretzky who said that what made him a great ice hockey player was that he skated to where the puck was going to be. Entrepreneurs should go where the opportunities are and funding is easy to obtain. With this budget, focus on “aam aadmi” , Mohammed Yunus getting the Nobel […]


This is an excerpt from TechCrunch ( March 5th) Seven week old Geni raised a $10 million second round of financing last week, led by Charles River Ventures (see our coverage of CRV here), with a post-money valuation of $100 million. George Zachary from CRV is joining the Geni board of directors. This was originally […]

IIM-A Safety Valve

I read an article in HT today. Students who opt out of placements can opt in for two years after they graduate. This may encourage more students to chase their dreams. There is also an option at IIM-A to get a lot of course credits by doing a course of independent study in the second […]


Warren Buffet just released his annual letter to shareholders which is available on the Berkshire Hathaway website. An excerpt from the letter follows which is interesting especially the last few lines. “Quote” Meanwhile, Wall Street’s Pied Pipers of Performance will have encouraged the futile hopes of the family. The hapless Gotrocks will be assured that […]

2 billion

Some more interesting global stats 1. Western Union outlets – 200000 2. Bank Branches – 500000 3. Post Offices – 600000 4. ATM’s – 1.1 million 5. Cell phone – 2 billion Sources : – Multiple

Dissecting the Pyramid

I just saw some stats on Indian household estimates for 2007. I think these were prepared by Ogilvy & Mather in 2005. It says there are approx 200 million households in India. Of these 5.2 million are very rich, 75.5 million are in the consuming class, 81.7 million are climbers, 20.2 million are aspirants and […]

Few Good Persons in NCR

I started by writing Few Good Men in NCR and realized that this would be inviting trouble and also eliminating half my audience. Restricting to NCR for teams/single person with no specific idea is necessary as the amount of interaction required will be hard at a distance. I am working with a few people with […]

Live Ops raises $28 million

Saw this on TechCrunch. The companies software allows call centre workers to work from home and has a performance tracking system that routes calls to the best performing workers. I had heard the CEO of GenPact in India saying they were exploring these kind of solutions for India. Maybe there are startups in India focusing […]

400 crore exits

As I look for seed investment opportunities I have narrowed my focus to critical mass plays ( Rs 500 per year from a million user type plays) that could potentially provide 400 crore exits in 4-7 years. As the Indian economy expands some wealth creation has to come from companies that are just starting and […]

Warren Buffet Essays

A friend gave me a copy of Lawrence Cunnigham’s book on “The Essays of Warren Buffet – Lessons for Corporate America” I found a short quiz in that interesting. Begin Quote If you plan to eat hamburgers throughout your life and are not a cattle producer, should you wish for higher or lower prices for […]


Business Standard has a write up on an initiative by IIT – Mumbai to create a resource for entrepreneurs. The article says that within a week of the soft launch 100 business plans have been uploaded. They plan to have a meet in January for the formal launch and hope to get 4000-5000 entrepreneurs registered […]

Bagchi Book

I am reading a book by Subroto Bagchi, one of the founders of Mindtree. So far I like what I have read. It is called “The High Performance Entrepreneur”. A quote follows: In the Hindu pantheon , wealth is granted by a goddess named Lakshmi. She is extremely jealous and possessive.She does not come to […]