For those who had asked about how incubation centres work, I believe the comments in the previous post would have helped. To summarize, an incubation centre supports an entrepreneur with an active advisory panel, infrastructure and with some financial assistance to help them jumpstart the process. That’s pretty much the gist of the matter. As […]
The Need for a New Kind of Incubation Model
It seems that at the rise of every economic cycle, old structures of the past do pop-up again. Incubators are a good example of that. They were around during the dotcom bubble and they are back now. I am not talking about India, where incubators are meant to be the last refuge for most entrepreneurs […]
Human-Powered Search Engines: The Hoards of Talent for Good use?
Jason Calacanis has started a new pet project which he is determined to drive to the scale of the Yahoo, Google or Microsoft search in the area of web information categorization. It’s the Mahalo Project. The case apparently seems to be simple: There are lots of algorithm based search engines that, thanks to all the […]
Radio Stations: Pervasive Entertainment Everywhere
It seems that Mumbai is the only place in India which has a 24/7 English Radio station. Most of the other cities have these partial stations where there is english programming in certain times of the day, mixed with other regional-language programming. First question: Why is that? Secondly, Let me go to a bit extreme. […]
Viral Marketing and Community Building: The Basics
Viral Marketing is still the best way to go when it comes to launching a startup product, in creating that buzz, and in getting filtered and quality feedback before making the big bang of unleashing your product/service into the world.
Back to the Basics: Bootstrapping, by Definition.
“Hi, I am Bob, and I am bootstrapping a startup.” “Oh, great!. What do you do?” “Well, we are building this service which does that in a different way” “oh” (with a little disappointment) “So bob, how can I help?” “I would like to run my business plan with you. Is that okay?” “Sure, go […]
The Proto Team in Delhi: This Saturday
Proto has been discussed in this forum in various forms, and titles, and I have always enjoyed hearing the feedback that this community has to offer – as this community very much forms the crux and the core of the ecosystem that we are aiming to build. Here’s perhaps a chance to have that same […] – an update
First of all, let me take the opportunity to wish you all a very successful Year in the days to come in 2007. The Team at Proto have been working quite hard to ensure that the companies that are presenting, the VCs that would be arriving, and the rest of the attendees find the event […]
From Concept To Visualization: The Next Big Trend?
There is certainly a trend that is up and about, with the notion of “Concept to Collaboration”, but I strongly believe, we are still behind, and are potentially missing an opportunity in creating tools and aids that could help one to take a concept to visualization. It probably is the next logical step in trends, […]