Once upon a time there was a group of people who wanted to create the next generation Business Intelligence software for the Banking industry. We theorized that there is a lot of data being accumulated and wasted by Core Banking systems which could be used to drive profit enhancing decision making. We set out to […]
TiE Retail Summit 2008, Aug 1st New Delhi
I had the opportunity to check out the TiE India Retail Summit 2008- not all of it—but a few hours towards the end and I’m using this platform to put down a brief account of the same—all comments, questions, suggestions and queries are welcome, either here or by mailing me on nsnsns(at)gmail(dot)com- also, incase you’d […]
Judging a really early stage start-up
From REALLY early stage, I mean a bunch of guys 3 or 4 years out of college, having quit their highly paying techie jobs, wanting to build the next big thing and get rich soon. I can really relate to the picture, as an year back, I really did fit the description. You know these […]
TiE-Canaan Entrepreneurial Challenge – Final Results
TiE Canaan Entrepreneurial Challenge 2008 was concluded on Saturday, 5th July. The winners of the Challenge are: Equitas – A microfinance company, which started 6 months back with great management team. They have been able to innovate around processes to scale very fast in this business. Druvaa Systems – It’s a backup company focusing at […]
Proto Delhi – Last few tickets for Venturewoods readers
Proto.in, over the past two years has been slowly building a community of startup entrepreneurs, and has been successful in its mission. The fourth edition of the event, is to be right here in Delhi, in the campus of IIT Delhi, on the dates of 18th and 19th. There is a fair bit of elite […]
Venture industry in US slowing down?
A piece, via WSJ, provides some sobering stats: There were 844 venture firms investing in U.S. companies last year, 40 fewer than in 2006, according to the latest data from VentureSource, a research unit of VentureWire publisher Dow Jones. That is down 30% from the bubble year of 2000, when there were nearly 1,200 active […]
TiE Canaan Entrepreneurial Challenge – Final Nominations
Hi All, It’s my pleasure to introduce this community to final eight entries of TiE Canaan Entrepreneurial Challenge 2008 Name Category 11rupees.com Internet – Financial Services Good Morning Research KPO – Financial Services Druvaa Software Software Ginni Systems Limited Software iKen Solutions Pvt Ltd Software Infogile Technologies Mobile Rx Healthcaremagic Pvt. Ltd Internet – HealthCare […]
Startup School 08 Videos
Startup School is an annual free conference for hackers interested in startups. This year notable speakers included Mike Arrington, Marc Andreessen, Jeff Bezos and Paul Graham. The website is http://startupschool.org/ The videos are at http://omnisio.com/startupschool08
Last and Final Call for Proto.in July Edition ’08.
The Nominations for this edition of Proto.in seems like they all came in in a flurry in the last couple of weeks in quite a bit of speed. We have close to 80 Nominations and some very fabulously interesting companies – there are 12 that I am personally handpicking after a lot of debate and […]
The Internet according to Akamai
Akamai has published the first in a series of quarterly looks at the state of the internet (warning, requires registration), which they would be in a unique position to report on. From the summary: Starting with the January to March (1st quarter) 2008 time period, Akamai will be publishing a quarterly “State of the Internet†[…]
ESOP or something else?
We have had discussions earlier here on attracting great talent to startups, and what the key motivators are. Clearly, there are other motivators besides money in a startup decision – such as sense of purpose, role that one can play, and so on. However, the more I talk to entrepreneurs around, the more evident is […]
Where Are India’s Innovative Companies, Products and Solutions?
Interesting Post Where Are India’s Innovative Companies, Products and Solutions? India produces some of the brightest minds in technology, science and medicine yet has not demonstrated any truly large scale and breakthrough innovations in those fields. more here I mean…..why NOT fill the gaps?