Canaan hosted a breakfast discussion with around 30 angel investors late december on sidelines of TiE Entrepreneurial Summit. It was a great discussion, and personally I learnt a fair bit from fellow investors. The interesting part were the linkages that are developing in biases that exist between venture and angel funding, and as a result […]
IIM Ahmedabad Finance Conclave 2010
The Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE), Beta –The Finance Club of IIM Ahmedabad and Leverage – The Private Equity andVenture Capital Club of IIM Ahmedabad bring to you the IIMA Finance Conclave2010 on the 8th – 9th January 2010.The central theme of this year’s conclave is “Challenging the New Normalâ€and it promises to […]
Why India needs more tech software companies?
We have seen lots and lots of startup companies coming up in our country since last few years. Companies ranging from matrimonial websites, job portals to even companies helping people sell their used online stuff. Now and then we keep getting portals which fall into larger categories of a specific list of online portals, some […]
Solution for Angel drought in India?
Sarah has a good roundup of lack of angel investing activity in India. Lets get to the more interesting part – how to solve it? I ran into Vishal Gondal on a flight few weeks back and he had a model that is pretty interesting. And may be there are some other thoughts in the […]
Funding for Real Innovation in India! UNAVAILABLE
If you look carefully at the blue fish in the water below, you can discern INDIA written faintly on the body. Well it is not a fish but India’s first indigenous designed Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). I have a story about it for you. I first met Ammar in Delhi after he reached me through […]
Barcamp Chandigarh @ 22 Nov
The startup ecosystem in Chandigarh, the city beautiful, is buzzing with activity. On 12 November the results of Business plan competition, Enterprize – organized by TIE Chandigarh & Chandigarh Administration, were announced. The winners got place in the EDC setup by the Chandigarh Administration, in the IT park. Continuing the good news for start-up folks, […]
Will angels dirty their hands?
I was speaking to a successful entrepreneur and angel investor yesterday about the evolving angel investment climate in India. He voiced a concern that seems to strike a chord – that while many successful entrepreneurs in India are involving themselves in angel funding, and even setting up early stage funds, there is a tendency to […]
The four breeds of VCs
Seeing a lot of healthy debate on Venturewoods regarding  the VC – entrepreneur relationship and even some amount of VC bashing in comments, I thought of summarizing my own experiences so far.Having talked, met and pitched to several Indian VCs, I have discovered four distinct breeds which are obviously broad categorizations based on my own […]
TiE ISB Connect 2009 is on October 22-23 in Hyderabad
TiE-ISB Connect ’09 will be held on October 22nd and 23rd, 2009 at Hotel Marriott Hyderabad. Organized by the TiE, Hyderabad Chapter and the Wadhwani Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (WCED), ISB. This year TiE-ISB Connect will focus on looking beyond the current challenges and focus on the real issues that face entrepreneurs as they establish […]
TiECon Delhi from Sept 18 to Sept 19
TiECon Delhi is about to happen at Taj Palace Hotel, SP Marg, Chanakyapuri, Delhi, Sept 18-19, sessions from 9:00am onwards and networking dinner/cocktails at 7:30 pm on 18th Sept, 2009 (Website: ) . Dont Know what’s TiE ? Never heard of TiECon ? Then read right on…
Positioning to Win is the theme for the NASSCOM Product Conclave 2009 ...
It is time yet again for NASSCOM Product Conclave, India’s leading and most prestigious platform for the burgeoning software product development community. The exhibition-cum-conference, a Mecca for the country’s “software product†innovators, will be held in Bangalore on October 27-28, for the third consecutive year.
Books on Entrepreneurship/ Facebook
I happened to make the following post on facebook and was amazed with the response I got there in 12 hours. Apart from the suggestions that came in, and some of them might be useful for venturewoods community, the level and timeliness of participation was great. Kinda makes blogging look like old world! Where is […]