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A Billion Dollar Indian Internet Company

I have always (after coming into the VC industry) heard the concept of $1 bn company while evaluating early stage businesses. “Can it become a $ 1 bn company?” has been a perpetual question. I always doubted on the concept of $ 1 bn market cap internet company out of India. However; last week our […]

Launching GrexIt – Your shared email memory

I have been working for the last couple of months building this tool: If you use Google Apps for your email, you’ll most likely find it useful. A small description of where we are trying to get at with GrexIt follows (It uses a browser plugin that we currently build only for FF 3.x): This is […]

The Guy who sold 2 Cos. to Flextronics

At Venture Intelligence, we recently did a podcast with K.V. Ramani, Founder of Future Software and Co-Founder of Hughes Software Systems – both of which were acquired by Flextronics in 2004. KVR’s story is a fascinating account of the tribulations and success of an early mover in the Indian software industry, who chose – in […]

Tracking Your Company Facebook Page (Wall Street Journal)

In my previous posts on community building on Facebook, I mapped out a way to create a Facebook strategy and promote your company’s Facebook Page. Monitoring it continuously and making sure it occupies the right position in the consumer’s mind, though, will require you to use the right analytics. Your business objectives for launching a community on Facebook […]

Hemu Ramaiah – Story of an Indian Retail Pioneer

At Venture Intelligence, we recently had a great experience interviewing Hemu Ramaiah, founder of the Landmark bookstore chain (in which the Tatas acquired a majority stake in 2005). For me, the interview (which is part our Entrepreneur Podcast series “Entrevista”) served as a confirmation that a customer facing role is the best start to an […]

India to gain in PE investments?

A Coller Capital report suggests that India and China might be net beneficiaries of the degradation in PE returns in developed markets. It predicts that PE investments in India and China will continue to climb despite higher risk. Key question: will it happen just in growth investing, or also in venture capital?