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Internet startup on a shoestring

Time has an interesting article highlighting that in the US, startups are being built for under $10,000. As several people compare the differences between the previous dotcom bust and this one, I think this is a key element – its much cheaper to do internet startups (of a certain kind), and this could be a […]

Interview in ReadWriteWeb

Bernard did a very well-prepared interview with us recently, outlining some of our learnings in India, and how they have shaped our investment themes. His key takeaways are listed here. Guide to MP3: as per timeline of questions on the audio file 0:22 — How is early-stage financing doing during this downturn compared to the […]

Coming Unemployment Problem

With roughly 55 percent of India’s population of 1.2 billion made up of people aged 24 or younger, India was viewed as a country with a massive demographic advantage. Unfortunately, the global slump has turned the advantage into a big disadvantage.India’s economy will probably grow at the slowest pace since 2003 as a global recession […]

Criteria for Investment – Reid Hoffman

Interesting post by Reid Hoffman on his rule of three for investing in internet businesses. Does the business have a strong distribution plan, a unique value proposition, and is it capital efficient. I think the hardest part to assess for internet businesses is the uniqueness. For each business that is successful, there are many (with […]

Capitalism 2.0

Indian entrepreneurs and readers, I’d love to hear from you on what you envision as Capitalism 2.0, give your somewhat different perspective than those of my American readers. I started writing this series and am, one by one, tackling the various issues that constitute not only the economic framework, but also the philosophical framework. From […]

What’s happening in the venture market?

This is the questions that journalists are asking us most often these days. Broadly, what are seeing is as follows: Portfolio companies are still going strong, and have made the adjustments required to tide through the current environment. This applies both to potential business impact (in cases where there is slowdown in customers’ purchasing behavior), […]

Strategy Roundtables for Entrepreneurs

Friends, some of you have attended the strategy roundtables I have been doing for several months now. Here are some recordings. This morning’s roundtable, in particular, had some very good discussion on when to raise money and when not to, instead choosing the bootstrapping path. I encourage all of you who are toying with your […]

Multilingual & Offline

Here is a link to a page which has links to the Dr.E. Sreedharan’s appeal in Hindi, Tamil & Malayalam. More languages are being worked on and will be added. This FRNV page also has links to information to help citizens become informed voters. You can print the PDF’s and distribute them offline as well. […]

Lok Sabha 2009 – Be an Informed Voter

Google has made an effort with partners to enable voters to be more informed. Take a look. I am on the electoral reforms team of the Foundation for Restoration of National Values( FRNV). The president is Dr. E. Sreedharan, the man behind the Delhi Metro. I admire his execution capability which is why I volunteered. […]