This is a website powered by Pinstorm ( Mahesh Murthy, Seed Fund) for the cellular company Idea. I thought it was very well executed. To try it I voted for an idea and posted an idea. I am intrigued by the possibilities of actual reliable online voting on serious issues.
We know that Twitter raised some capital from IVP late february with an internal valuation of $250 mn. Google would have started discussion around that figure and it was all over the news last week. Now we have this : Twitter Wouldn’t Sell For $1 Billion, Says Source  The disconnect is stunning but may be […]
Slide Share Rockstar ?
I got the email below I think from Slide Share. It could be an April Fools joke but not being very tech savvy I did not know what I am supposed to do. I have a slide share presentation on Financial inclusion in India that I would like a lot of people to browse but […]
How much funding do startups Reeaaally need ?
In the last few months, I have had the chance to sit down with a few fellow entrepreneurs and discuss business plans, thanks to me wearing my HeadStart foundation hat. I noticed a few things that were common – entrepreneurs knew their product very well but not really their target customers, most of them had […]
Brad Feld, On the Ecosystem.
Came across this blog post by Brad Feld, on his observations between VCs and Entrepreneurs and the so-called Ecosystem to speak of. It’s kinda an interesting read. Brad Feld on VCs, Entrepreneurs and the Ecosystem. Some of the highlights: I’ve long believed that the entrepreneurs are the motive force behind all entrepreneurial ecosystems – not […]
Looking through the fog
Business standard invited us to do a guest column on the state of early stage technology investing in India today. Key perspectives: – Slow, but still there. Odds aren’t very different from before. – Watch your target market and customers – key markets continue to be vibrant. – Valuation meltdown is more pronounced in later […]
iAccelerator – Supporting Early Stage Tech Ventures
Preparing to come to India I talked with a number of Silicon Valley VCs about the opportunities they saw here. Some were bullish, a partner at MDV told me he thought there was a 30% chance the next Google would come from here, but many were taking a ‘wait and see’ approach to investing. In […]
No Criminals Campaign
This is a public interest post – The core idea of the ‘No Criminals’ campaign is to launch a nationwide effort to enable large numbers of citizens to appeal to political parties not to give tickets to people with criminal antecedents in the upcoming elections. Read and sign the appeal on website. Join the facebook […]
Should Facebook and Twitter bother to make money? (Iqbal Gandham)
Another late night post after a evening kicking a ball around a five-a-side pitch 🙂 Have been thinking for a while about Facebook, Twitter and the likes, i.e all the big networks which are trying to make money. Now we all know on the web there are only two ways of really making money a) […]
Free Strategy Roundtables For Entrepreneurs
I am doing some Free Online Strategy Roundtables for entrepreneurs to discuss your business issues with me. During this 60-minute session, entrepreneurs are invited to pitch me their ideas in a 3-minute presentation. I will review the material in real-time and provide feedback on each pitch, as well as address specific strategy questions from the […]
Feedback for Forbes Column
Friends, I am doing a series on Entrepreneurship in India for Forbes, and would like to hear your thoughts. Would you please comment at my site and leave your name/affiliation on the site, so that I can use some of your comments in the articles, and duly attribute them? The first of these pieces is […]
Some Nuggets on Starting up, and Scaling Out
These are links to some presentations that were part of Startonomics, a conference for Startups. There are some very good nuggets that most of our companies could benefit from: 1. Moving out of the Garage: 2. Product Development 101 (Fast Track Product Development)