The US spends $250 billion in health care administration. Indian entrepreneurs can very well look at solving various problems within this vertical and build nice businesses. Read my Forbes column for some pointers.
Lessons in Customer Service – Power to the frontline – Sucks, Kool, Am
In continuation of looking at my own experiences for learnings, this post tries to identify a common thread in four different recent experiences. Let me describe them briefly: SOTC: In April, I booked a trip for my parents on SOTC, where the sales guy offered a minimal cancellation fee upto 30 days of departure. Unfortunately, […]
Racing under the Yellow Flag
Great article on innovation in tough times. Caution: ensure survival first, then read this.
Murli Thirumale’s SDBS Formula for New Ventures
Here’s a discussion with serial entrepreneur Murli Thirumale on how he comes up with new ventures: “I have a phrase which I have coined,” he says. “SDBS. It stands for sell, design, build, sell. SDBS is in contrast to designing something, building it and then trying to sell it, which is the model most big […]
Do Great Startups Really Solve a Problem
After a long long hiatus (ie been far to busy working finishing a startup) I decided to write a post. My own blog is still lacking in posts due to work, but will get back to that this week. Anyhow have been thinking about this for some time. I have looked back at several startups, […]
Rare Specie: A Bengali Entrepreneur
Okay, don’t chew me for saying this, but a Bengali Entrepreneur IS a rare specie. Let me introduce you to one that is both quite successful, and also generous about contributing back to the cause of promoting entrepreneurship: DimDim CEO DD Ganguly. And if you do want to chew me, do so by proving me […]
Create Your Own Job
For those of you going through tough times, especially those looking for jobs, I suggest you consider “creating” your own job. Here’s Rafat Ali’s story on how he created his own job and became an entrepreneur.
I think periodic recession is good for health!
If these economic jolts of last few weeks are called recession; I am pretty amused by it. – Pleasantly amused by my all brokers (companies like ICICI Direct, Kotak) sending me mailers explaining different plans and simple logic behind them. None of them cared a quarter back. Last year it was a “take it or […]
Opportunities At The Cusp
Pakistani entrepreneur Ashar Aziz does a phenomenal job explaining how to find and develop innovation opportunities at the cusps of different domains.
Exodus Founder B.V. Jagadeesh
For those of you who have admired the Exodus story from afar, here’s your chance to listen to Jagadeesh telling his story.
MindTree CEO KK Natarajan
I recently interviewed KK. Some of you may be interested in checking the series out.
Concepts and Clients : The eternal challenge
Over the last couple of years have come across several entrepreneurs and new start ups presenting product and service delivery models on the Internet and mobile channels. This blog being an extremely vibrant forum for both groups, would like to outline a few observations and challenges faced in converting these propositions to business models and […]