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I would like to introduce the Venturewoods community to is a product discovery and research tool for consumer electronics powered by online expert reviews. Essentially, we analyze expert reviews to figure out what aspect/part of the product is the reviewer rating good or bad. We then use this information to create simple yet […]

Awards & Benefits | TiE Canaan Challenge

When we conceptualized this program; we started with the view that we should design awards, which can help companies to grow and achieve their next milestones. It can be funding, opening doors to customers, channel development, skill development in various functions and mentoring. This year awards are an effort in that direction. 1. Microsoft Award: […]

Bootstrap Yourself!

My new Forbes column Bootstrap Yourself highlights Silicon Valley’s hottest new trend, Bootstrapping. Indian entrepreneurs, you need to embrace this trend, given that the early stage venture capital industry doesn’t quite have its act together yet. Great bootstrapping case studies I have covered are Sridhar Vembu, Frank Levinson and Jerry Rawls, Cree Lawson, and Beatrice […]

The European Web Community Stands up.

Seems like we are not the only set of folks who are wanting to fix the problems we see around us and build a “sustainable” atmosphere around us. There is a post by Ryan who runs FOWA taking a stance against the Web Mission effort that is getting organized by the UK Government and quite […]

Project Management tools for SMB IT services firms

Project Management is the life for IT services firms. Without strong project management processes and good enterprise project management tools, delivery will suffer. I have seen that major outsourcing firms such as TCS, Infosys, CTS and others have their internal project management tools to manage delivery. However for smaller IT services firms (75-150 ppl) developing […]

India’s Future

I encourage Indian entrepreneurs experienced in the IT outsourcing industry, and alarmed by my Death of Indian Outsourcing piece to read Sudhakar Ram’s Wave 3 of Indian Outsourcing. Other related pieces on the topic are: India’s Labor Arbitrage Strategy, Indian IT: The Next 8 Years, and Silicon Valley’s Unknown Indian. Also, here are my related […]

VentureBuzz section

We are launching another section on VentureWoods – the VentureBuzz section – post any buzz you have heard – might be a rumor, might be a gossip, might be just some juice! Is that hot startup on its way down? Or is it getting bought? Did they announce a deal that never existed? Share something […]

2008: Is the UMPC a wave to ride?

UMPC, the Ultra Mobile Personal Computer. The design initially came out of Microsoft roughly about an year or so ago, and there were quite a few skeptics who raced to make claims that this would die the same death that the tablet PC had. Though the Tablet PC is quite an interesting form factor, it […]