We have radio stations like NPR (National Public Radio) in the USA that produces and distributes thought-provoking programs related to current affairs. It engages in meaningful debates on all current topics. I always found that station to be most used by folks driving to work (Average of 40 minutes of drive time for any commuter). […]
The Knobs on a Social App
Some of my friends asked me to walk them through the virality of a social app so I put this little calculator together. With many building apps on a social graph such as facebook, I thought others may find this useful. It could help folks start to think about the metrics they may want to […]
What are startups doing about the dollar?
Its hard to read the newspapers these days without reading about the impact of dollar depreciation on Indian export industry, including IT Services and BPO. Large players like Wipro and TCS have taken the hit (stock markets will tell you that), but have also been able to come up with plans to counter the issue. […]
Gartner’s top 10 strategic technologies for 2008
From Gartner’s Press Release Gartner’s top 10 strategic technologies for 2008 1. Green IT 2. Unified Communications (UC) 3. Business Process Management 4. Metadata Management 5. Virtualization 2.0 6. Mashups & Composite Applications 7. Web Platform & WOA 8. Computing Fabrics 9. Real World Web 10. Social Software Are there any core technology focused Angel […]
Importance of LOI
In startups you want to use your limited seed capital to produce tangible things that VC’s /angels can look at, get impressed and invest. ( This assumes you want VC/angel investment) These could be prototypes, beta customers, key business development deals or letters of intent. At Eko we have just signed a letter of intent […]
Games Indians Play
This is an extract from a post on another blog. Click here for the full post. In some ways I am trying to be a farmer sharing his seed corn when I write about trust or Eko. The major difference is that Eko is just starting and has won no awards but the intent to […]
Consumer ECommerce to grow to 9200 crores (IAMAI)
Latest report by IAMAI suggests consumer ecommerce will grow by around 30% this year. The high base effect of online travel is coming into play (almost accounting for 65-70% of the market). Not sure of the methodology (last three categories of Classifieds, Paid content and Digital downloads have somewhat uniform 50% growth rate) but a […]
Wal-Mart era drawing to an end?
The Wall Street Journal has a fascinating article on shifts in the US retail scene. Wal-Mart seems set to slip from being the sole industry-defining company, and will become one of several such companies. I think the writer misses a trick in not looking at the impact of high-priced oil (most of the items that […]
We have recognized the importance of creating a ” Circle of Trust” at Eko. It is quite possible that trust may be an important element in the business of some other startups and they may get inspired by our thinking. With that in mind we have made the first version of our document available for […]
17M advanced users, growing at 2.5M a year
A friend of mine who is the founder and CEO of a major Indian internet group estimates that in India there are 15M internet users, beyond email, who log in every week, and this is growing at about 2.5M a year. Plus add another 2M NRIs. This is the relevant Indian market for all non […]
Booths in Large Conferences
This is a comment I posted here, and have converted this into a post by itself (Thanks, Alok!) While this may be irrelevant to some of you, this is a set of my thoughts on hiring a conference booth. In the past I’ve done the rounds of tented events, all of them named IT.COM in […]
Positive Thinking/Integrity
I have no desire to offend anyone with this post but it is about time the confident India ( post T20) thinks positively and stops petty thinking. My aim in posting once in a while on Eko or on other things is to get a few people to think positive and big and to share […]