In all the businesses that I have been involved in building delighting customers has been a key priority. In India I have observed based on my experiences as a customer that with a few exceptions ( jet airways, spice jet, PVR,some 5 star hotels) customer delight does not seem important. I have a large LCD […]
Selling commercial rights to work already released under a Creative Co...
My friend Cory Doctorow (one of the more interesting of the current crop of Science Fiction writers, though he may be more well-known from his work with the EFF and his role with the award-winning blog boing boing) has posted a very interesting piece about how one can commercially exploit CC-licensed content: Lots of people […]
IIM-A Safety Valve
I read an article in HT today. Students who opt out of placements can opt in for two years after they graduate. This may encourage more students to chase their dreams. There is also an option at IIM-A to get a lot of course credits by doing a course of independent study in the second […]
Warren Buffet just released his annual letter to shareholders which is available on the Berkshire Hathaway website. An excerpt from the letter follows which is interesting especially the last few lines. “Quote” Meanwhile, Wall Street’s Pied Pipers of Performance will have encouraged the futile hopes of the family. The hapless Gotrocks will be assured that […]
2 billion
Some more interesting global stats 1. Western Union outlets – 200000 2. Bank Branches – 500000 3. Post Offices – 600000 4. ATM’s – 1.1 million 5. Cell phone – 2 billion Sources : – Multiple
Dissecting the Pyramid
I just saw some stats on Indian household estimates for 2007. I think these were prepared by Ogilvy & Mather in 2005. It says there are approx 200 million households in India. Of these 5.2 million are very rich, 75.5 million are in the consuming class, 81.7 million are climbers, 20.2 million are aspirants and […]
Few Good Persons in NCR
I started by writing Few Good Men in NCR and realized that this would be inviting trouble and also eliminating half my audience. Restricting to NCR for teams/single person with no specific idea is necessary as the amount of interaction required will be hard at a distance. I am working with a few people with […]
Startupping – a new resource for entrepreneurs
I recently came across Startupping – which looks to be an interesting online gathering place for entrepreneurs. It is heavily focused on the internet space, but other kinds of entrepreneurs will also find some interesting tidbits here. Worth keeping an eye on. From their home page: Startupping is a one-of-a-kind community resource created for Internet […]
Canaan Partners update
Kamla Bhatt has posted an interview providing an update on Canaan Partners’ activities in India. Read on…
Getting hired into a VC firm
A lot of people have been asking me what it takes to get into a VC firm. Few pointers: At an analyst level, most firms are looking for smart people, perhaps with some background in equity analysis or business analysis. It is not unusual to have fresh MBAs with some pre-MBA work experience to be […]
Education industry outlook in India
Hello guys.. I want some views on education industry outlook in India specifically, school level (primary & secondary)…I am thinking of a business where school will pay some amount per student for services provided.. What i am not sure of is the appetite of schools to have paid value added service… Also it would be […]
400 crore exits
As I look for seed investment opportunities I have narrowed my focus to critical mass plays ( Rs 500 per year from a million user type plays) that could potentially provide 400 crore exits in 4-7 years. As the Indian economy expands some wealth creation has to come from companies that are just starting and […]