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Warren Buffet Essays

A friend gave me a copy of Lawrence Cunnigham’s book on “The Essays of Warren Buffet – Lessons for Corporate America” I found a short quiz in that interesting. Begin Quote If you plan to eat hamburgers throughout your life and are not a cattle producer, should you wish for higher or lower prices for […]

ITU Digital Life report

Some of you may have seen this already — ITU has released its report “Digital Life” and its an excellent reckoner — provides a high level view on almost everything to do with the internet and telecom world, with references into more detailed work.

IdeaCamp update

Last Friday, we had a good gathering at IDEACAMP of Investors, Entrepreneurs and Students considering Entrepreneurship. The event was anchored by Alok Mittal and Sanjay Bhargava, both of them were very generous with their sharing of experience and wisdom with the entrepreneurs. Sunder has an article which was published on Rediff about the event, and […]

Wanted – Exemptions from Do not call registry!

As the regulators try to curb the menace of unwanted calls, telcos are appealing that their unsolicited calls should be allowed. Masking it under “service-related communications”, some of them have asked for not just upselling, but even calls to past and prospective customers — in my view, this is no different than any other party […] – an update

First of all, let me take the opportunity to wish you all a very successful Year in the days to come in 2007. The Team at Proto have been working quite hard to ensure that the companies that are presenting, the VCs that would be arriving, and the rest of the attendees find the event […]

Billionways – Entrepreneurship for Rural Education

Venkat, of Deccanet fame, has put an initiative in place to find a solution to lack of rural education – Billionways. It focuses on finding an entrepreneurial solution to the problem of illiteracy, and seeks to jumpstart the same through a non-profit fund. There is emphasis on sustainability, where after a while, each of these […]

The 12 Different Ways for Companies to Innovate

The 12 Different Ways for Companies to Innovate While browsing I came across this SMR (MIT Sloan Management Review) abstract. Wanted to share with you as innovation is important for both the start-ups and VCs. According to Mohanbir Sawhney, Robert C. Wolcott and Inigo Arroniz, a company can innovate along any of 12 different dimensions […]


Business Standard has a write up on an initiative by IIT – Mumbai to create a resource for entrepreneurs. The article says that within a week of the soft launch 100 business plans have been uploaded. They plan to have a meet in January for the formal launch and hope to get 4000-5000 entrepreneurs registered […]

Bagchi Book

I am reading a book by Subroto Bagchi, one of the founders of Mindtree. So far I like what I have read. It is called “The High Performance Entrepreneur”. A quote follows: In the Hindu pantheon , wealth is granted by a goddess named Lakshmi. She is extremely jealous and possessive.She does not come to […]

.com to .org :)

so it’s not just the business…lines from google: “We hope that someday this institution will eclipse Google itself in overall world impact by ambitiously applying innovation and significant resources to the largest of the world’s problems.“ – Sergey Brin & Larry Page What are they upto: includes the work of the Google Foundation, some […]

Where is the catch ?

I see atleast two examples of attempts at viral marketing by “Make my Trip” – High 5 program and “Seventymm” free six program. None of these pays for getting a user to sign up. They have to buy a ticket or continue being a member for the refferer to receive benefits. In pay per impression […]

Paul Graham’s 18 start-up mistakes

Paul Graham’s 18 start-up mistakes From 18 mistakes that kill start-ups. Only the points pasted below. Please see the URL for the details (for a software industry) The points are mostly valid for any start-up. May be valid for social work initiatives also. You may like to analyze your start-up/ future start-up from this […]