This was not supposed to be my first post on Venturewoods. But India’s soccer game against Japan at the Salt Lake stadium in which there was a power failure and a dog ran on the ground in the middle of the game made me wonder if something like this could ever happen in a game […]
Top Web Apps in India
Here is a list of top web apps in India from Read/write web. Not very impressive compilation. Reproducing my comment on the post: Somewhat surprising to see the real web apps of India missing. Look at top sites in India on Alexa. India is still a very email, search, portal, jobs, matrimony country. Online financial […]
Back to customer experience — Monster versus Naukri
Looks like the debate on who is bigger – Monster or Naukri – is reaching a crescendo. Well, both Arun and Sanjeev are good friends, and I clearly want to stay clear of that debate. The debate that is worth having, in my view, is who has a better customer experience — both for job […]
What operators want: Partnering with Network Service Providers – Part2
5- Don’t try to deploy your application in Q4 – Forth quarter is all about volume. 40-60% of operator’s yearly network load is sold in forth quarter. No one will take time to market your application, since channels are only interested in getting the device into customers hand. 6- Supported OS/Device platforms – You are […]
Top 10 Geek Myths
Sujan had posted this link as a comment on my Y combinator post. The post that this link takes you to is interesting so I decided to make this a main post as well
What operators want: Partnering with Network Service Providers – Part
This entry is inspired by Mobile Monday Vancouver’s “Partnering with Network Service Providers” event. I attended this discussion and networking forum. Panelist were from Bell and Telus – Canadian CDMA service providers and from British Telecom. To keep things short , this is part 1, part 2 coming soon…. These points are only relevant for […]
This is an interesting link to top Web Applications in Brazil. Community based applications have traction and a very large number of Orkut users are Brazilian. This post also has links to top web applications in other countries apart from Brazil including China. India is yet to be covered. The comments are interesting to read […]
Long tail rebuttal
We have had some discussion on long tail earlier, including Lee Gomes’ critique earlier. Chris Andersen, the original proponent of Long tail, comes back with an explanation and rebuttal in this podacast. His central point — he refers to long tail not as a back loaded distribution of goods (with respect to sales), but the […]
Interview on Kamla Bhatt Show
Kamla Bhatt did an audio interview with me earlier this week — it is available here. I was looking through their site, and they seem to have done a fair number of very interesting interviews with people focussed on the indian entrepreneurial environment. The audio format also makes it more engaging relative to a text […]
Blackberry Pearl
I used to regularly read Walter Mossberg’s colum on Personal Technology in the Wall Street Journal and I like Bambi’s commentary on MarketWatch. Pearl being sexy is probably not much use to me sitting here in India but Bambi’s report on Pearl made we wonder whether there any sites in India with really good columnists. […]
BoA on Gigaom
Gigaom has recently written about some of the ongoing efforts at Band of Angels, India. Most of the regular stuff regarding our desire and passion to create large businesses out of India, the progress so far, and whats in the pipeline. We have also been getting regular feedback from the entrepreneurial community, including some pretty […]
Evalueserve India VC report
Evalueserve has come out with a report on Indian early stage VCs. It points out that the VC activity in India is increasing and soon, there will be as many as 44 early stage VC firms operating in India, with around $4.4b to invest! While my own estimates are on a lower side, whats undeniable […]