Hi everyone, I am doing some research on cultural differences in startup organizations across India, Japan and the US. If you have been involved with a startup which was started in India, please take this survey. I really appreciate it. http://www.hubspot.com/HubSpotSurvey/TakeSurvey.asp?SurveyID=3JMn73124p63G If you were involved with a startup in the US, you can help me […]
Dubai Ports and Indian Companies Expanding in the West
Summary: Indian companies will be able to make significant acquisitions in the US and Western Europe despite the collapse of the Dubai ports deal. Two factors will influence cross border Indian M&A: 1) Industry of Acquisition Target; 2) Mittals’ Handling of the Arcelor situation Introduction: Since the collapse of the Dubai Ports deal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubai_Ports_World_controversy), many […]
Indian 3D animation in Cannes
Here’s a link to a news item – 3D Bollywood goes to Cannes– I picked up today morning. Looks like another story – Indian animation outsourcing – is moving towards maturity. With the depth and variety of content we have in India, not to mention, a population completely bonded with Bollywood, cricket and music, we […]
The ecosystem imperative
There has been a lot of activity and news about global venture funds targeting the Indian market. However, commitment through direct presence has been elusive by some of the largest funds. The silicon valley venture ecosystem is very well developed, and over years there have been thousands of learnings that are engrained in minds of […]
The D word
What to do promoters in India fear the most. I think it is Dilution or the “D” word. It is obvious that if you can build a billion $ company and own 90% or even 30% of it then it is great. However, if you could build a billion $ company and own only10%. Would […]
Wants to join a Startup
I received a mail from a student who is part of the graduating class of PGP students at IIM – Ahmedabad. He is keen on joining a start up to gain experience to do his own in the future. Startups that may be interested in recruiting him please contact me. He has no sector preferences […]
VC 2.0
Dave has a great writeup on reforming the VC industry (at least in consumer internet segment). Looks pretty 2.0ish to me — but perhaps the first 2.0 idea that makes sense 🙂 – disintermediate the LPs and GPs (the overhead and loss of information here is not funny) – users who invest in this fund […]
Good blog on SaaS
A very good blog on SaaS by Howard Smith. http://saassightings.blogspot.com/
Would you buy a used dotcom?
Interesting Wired article — a VC trying to dig up all the old dotcom ideas to see which ones may fly now. Essentially the environment has changed with more broadband, consumers willing to buy on net, effective internet search, and lo! eyeball revenues in terms of Adsense. Interesting thought, and an exercise absolutely worth doing. […]
DealFlow in India: What does it look like ?
Hi everyone, I am new to this blog. For a quick intro, I am a student pursuing the Sloan Fellows program in Innovation and Global Leadership at MIT (http://mitsloan.mit.edu/fellows) and was most recently in a startup called AirTight Networks (http://www.airtightnetworks.net), venture-backed, HQ-ed in Mtn Vw, CA and incubated entirely from India, where I ran Asia-Pac […]
IIM – L catches Startup Fever
Interest in entrepreneurship is quite high at IIM Lucknow. Here is a quote I received from a student at IIM – Lucknow. In fact, this year in IIML there has been a mass exodus by the students towards startups. 6 people are signing out to start their own company. Another one student is joining a […]
Startup Campus Recruitment
In GISIL as we look at our people needs we think we need a mix of fresh and experienced people. At the premier management campuses you have experienced as well as fresh people. In the engineering campuses most of the people would have no work experience. I may in the next few weeks talk at […]