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Looking to join a startup

I am a 2nd year student at IIM Ahmedabad – one of those mentioned by Sanjay in his post. I am looking to join a startup company rather than one of the biggies which visit campus. I believe there would be far more learning and fun in this option. I have a B.Tech (CSE) and […]

Venture Woods Works

The one regret that I have on joining GISIL is that I will not have advisory bandwidth. Before joining GISIL two entrepreneurs connected with me based on my 10-10 thinking post. I visted them in Bhopal and Chandigarh and all of us found the interaction useful. I hope both these entrepreneurs do well and I […]

IIM Ahmedabad Talk

I visited Ahmedabad on Jan 13 as a judge for Anveshan ( B-plan contest) spoke to a few students at IIM Ahmedabad on entrepreneurship, elephants and joining startups. The response was very encouraging. A few students want to post on venture woods and connect with interesting early stage startups. There could be other bright folks […]

Joining Startup – Timing

Apologies for not posting for so long but I have been rather busy. I thought my startup days were over but I ended up investing some money and joining a startup in Gurgaon called GISIL. My dream was to create another elephant in the payment space and that matched GISIL’s aspirations. I joined Jan 18 […]

Upcoming Venture

I am in the process of formalizing an entity. Looking for some “techno-business-savvy” minds in this process. Guys, don’t send too many queries at this stage, but do respond if you have some interest in participating. Constraint of being in Delhi-NCR region.

Venturewoods bloggers wake up!

Saw a couple of posts that the level of activity on venturewoods is decreasing — I am convinced that everything that has to be said hasn’t been said, so wake up! And yes, have seen some interesting comments from some people who are not registered authors — if any of them want to write their […]

Is it already ending?

Just read this article in Businessweek.I believe media always picks up a trend a little late, and whenever they write about a boom or a bust both phenomenon are already over, i.e. the best plays are gone- both on the upcycle or the downcycle. What do you folks think? is Web 2.0 picking up or […]

Writing for the attention starved world

From the Financial Express comes this interesting data point: The average time spent on the internet is on a rise. From 58 minutes on weekdays in the Indian Readership Survey (which tracks media consumption) July-December 2003, it increased to 63 in IRS July-December 2005. [Printer Friendly Version] While 63 minutes sounds like a lot, email […]

Critical Mass

In India what would be some good ways to get lets say 1 million members signed up. What you are becoming a member for is important but lets assume that the value proposition makes sense. Initially if say for the first 10000 members sign up is free. Then membership costs Rs 99/-. A member gets […]

JobsAhead Life Graph

Here is an attempt to encapsulate the life of a startup in one picture. Let me know your feedback, and I can then request other entrepreneurs to kindly contribute the same. The format I have chosen is to represent the optimism or happiness of a company (not just promoters, but the team) on a time […]