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How Killer is Your Idea?

My posts are an attempt to assist budding entrepreneurs like me on the road between the concept and Wall Street. I will move in a step wise fashion so that I can cater to as many questions within a specific heading as possible before moving ahead. The first step to any venture is a good idea! Now how Good is Good? This post provides two fundamental ingredients that a good idea should possess. Read on…

Angel Employees

Interesting article on a service that tries to find angel employees. Would love to get feedback on this — if there is interest, I can try and get an “angel employee job board” put up with venturewoods?

Statistics India

I edited this to become a place holder for interesting data on India – Net stats is one piece. Published today in HT, New Delhi. Source Internet & Mobile Association of India. Do these seem correct ? I have converted figures to US $ at Rs 46 to the $. India uses a financial year […]

Remembering Site – Ecosystem

The ecosystem in the US encourages startup activity. Many startups fail but failing is not a stigma. I had the good fortune of attending a discussion where Bill Gates and Narayana Murthy were being interviewed. I asked Mr.Murthy what we needed to do to improve the eco system. He mentioned some excellent things, one of […]

TeNet group at IITM

Met with some folks at TeNet and related companies at IIT Chennai. I think this group has some of the most amazing innovations sitting in there, with a vision to bring connectivity and applications to rural India. While the success of CorDECT and Midas is well known, its the vision in entirety which gets most […]

10-10 thinking

If you have 10 million customers on whom you earn on the average $10 per year you have revenues of $100 million. ( The service could be free for the consumer and paid for by the provider/advertiser. Alternatively it could be a fee paid by the consumer or a combination ). When you think of […]


I attended a W3C conference in Delhi about a fortnight ago. W3C works on developing standards to make the web more pervasive. They have an office at CDAC in Noida. I am pretty certain that in the next decade some of these standards will help produce elephants just as the http standard created a revolution. […]

Big picture vs Tactical Entrepreneurs

Recently came across a couple of entrepreneurs who have built significant businesses on back of very tactical opportunities — great ability to spot that niche and move aggressively to service it. Now these entrepreneurs want to go to the next level — in a bid to do so, they need to transform themselves from tactical […]

Turning 40

I managed to find the article Jay mentioned in his post. Times of India has an e-paper. Subroto Bagchi talks of angst at 40. I can relate to that. I was 42 when I left Citibank and after trying to do a startup ended up joining the management team of PayPal. Talking of opportunity cost […]

How to bootstrap

So you have a big idea but very little money. The best way to bootstrap is to tap friends and family. There is an amazing amount of work that you can do with very little money. You can build prototypes, get angel employees, study the domain and the competition. In most cases you may be […]

Opportunity Cost

Entrepreneurship is not about taking a lot of risk. Most entrepreneurs operate on the principle of a very big upside if the venture suceeds and a small downside if it fails. If as a young person you have a big idea and you give yourselves two years to give it a shot what do you […]

Who wants to be an Entrepreneur?

I read this beautiful piece written by Subroto Bagchi in today’s TOI. Can anyone locate the clip, I tried but couldn’t. While it’s easy to generalise and say that Mr. Bagchi has a gift in expressing his thoughts lucidly, what he also manages to do is query existing myths and beliefs and perhaps, stir up […]